Explore Task (AP) - johnfraserss/ICS2O9 GitHub Wiki


Name: Explore a Computing Innovation

Time: 7 class periods

Weighting: 14% of AP Grade. Parts of this task will also be used for your ICS2O culminating task (15% of your grade)

Further Description: here


  1. Choose a computing innovation
  2. Research using a variety of sources
  3. Produce a computational artifact
  4. Provide written responses as required

The computational artifact and written responses will be submitted to AP.


Your computing innovation should:

  • Impact society, economy or culture in a beneficial and/or harmful way
  • Consume, produce or transform data
  • Have concerns in regards to data storage, data privacy or data security


We practiced the research requirements during the Computers and Society assignment. Refer back to that page, or the linked document for more information.


Produce an artifact that illustrates, represents or explains the intended purpose, its function or its effect. This artifact must not simply repeat the information in your written responses - it should be primarily non-textual.

Examples could include: visualizations, graphics, videos, audio recording etc.


Each response has a maximum number of words. Sample responses are available at the bottom of this page. The beginning of the "Sample Responses" document has the full criteria. An excellent resource (organizing the information from the previous link) from another CSP teacher can be found here. You get a mark if you have an appropriate response for each criteria. Please note that some responses will have multiple criteria (response 2C has three criteria, so three marks).

You are strongly encouraged to submit your written responses using the template found on the AP site.

2a. Provide information on your computing innovation and computational artifact

  • Name the computing innovation that is represented by your computational artifact
  • Describe the computing innovation’s intended purpose and function
  • Describe how your computational artifact illustrates, represents, or explains the computing innovations intended purpose, its function, or its effect

(Must not exceed 100 words)

2b. Describe your development process, explicitly identifying the computing tools and techniques you used to create your artifact. Your description must be detailed enough so that a person unfamiliar with those tools techniques will understand your process.

(Must not exceed 100 words)

2c. Explain at least one beneficial effect and at least one harmful effect the computing innovation has had, or has the potential to have, on society, economy, or culture.

(Must not exceed 250 words)

2d. Using specific details, describe:

  • The data your innovation uses
  • How the innovation consumes (as input), produces (as output) and/or transforms data
  • At least one data storage concern, data privacy concern, or data security concern directly related to the computing innovation

(Must not exceed 250 words)

2e. List your references (as per the previous assignment)


Please refer to the document for additional information, particularly the “Guidelines Section” that contains things you must, may or may not do.

Some of these responses will be used for your ICS 2O written culminating assignment.


The Computational Artifact and Written Responses must be submitted to AP here. Read all instructions carefully - for example, you are asked to remove your name and are strongly encouraged to use the given template for your Written Responses.