AP Registration and Exam Information - johnfraserss/ICS2O9 GitHub Wiki


In order to submit your AP tasks and pay for the final exam, you need to make a student account with AP.

  1. Please complete this at home with your parents/guardians, to ensure accuracy and to allow them to input their own information. You will be using this one account for your entire high school career.

  2. Go to the AP Students site

  3. Click on "Create an Account" and then "I'm a student"

  4. You will be given a code in class to join our section


  • Registration Deadline: TBD
  • Exam Date: TBD (May 2021)
  • Duration: 2 hours

You must declare your intent to write the exam by (TBD) through your AP account. Payment information will be available at a later date.

By the end of our course, we will have finished and submitted the Create Task (30%). Additional exam practice material and assistance will be provided to prepare for the Final Exam (70%).


To get university credit! Each university has different rules for giving credit for AP courses. I recommend you do some research, keeping in mind your future plans/school choice.

You can Google “AP Transfer Credit (school name)” to find a particular school’s rules surrounding this course (Computer Science Principles).

For example, Waterloo gives credit for this course except for students in the Faculty of Mathematics (Math, Statistics, Computer Science). You must also achieve a score of 4 or 5 in the course (approximately 75%+).