Construcccion - johncroth/pythonEd2024 GitHub Wiki
Up to this point, every program has been contained in one file. But this is not required. Create a file "" and with the following code
from turtle import *
def dibujar_polygono( longitud, lados):
for i in range( lados ):
forward( longitud )
right( 360 / lados )
def dibujar_triangulo( longitud ):
dibujar_polygono( longitud, 3 )
def dibujar_cuadrado( longitud ):
dibujar_polygono( longitud, 4 )
def saltar( x, y ):
goto( x, y )
And now, create and execute
with the following code:
from formas import *
from random import *
dibujar_cuadrado( 40 )
dibujar_triangulo( 60 )
for i in range(0,10):
saltar( randint(-200, 200 ), randint(-200, 200))
dibujar_polygono( randint(10,100), randint(3,8))
Finally, create and execute
as follows:
from formas import *
dibujar_triangulo( 40 )
The file "" is not really a python program, because if you try to run it, nothing will happen. Instead we call it a "module" or a "library." These modules effectively extend python
The modules we have used before, like turtle
and random
are not fundamentally different than formas
, except they
do different things. And are much longer and more complicated.
- Our goal here is to write a module that "renames" the functions of the
package to be more like Spanish than English.
A. To begin, create the file
and copy the following code to start:
from turtle import *
def adelante( dist ):
forward( dist )
def derecha( grados ):
right( grados )
Then, in
copy and execute the following.
from esp_turtle import *
for i in range(0,5):
adelante( 80 )
derecha( 72 )
B. Extend esp_turtle
, add functions izquierda( grados )
, levanta_boligrafo()
, and baja_boligrafo()
that wrap the respective
function is turtle
. Then add, code to
that calls these functions to see they work as expected.
C. Adding "backward" "begin_fill" and "end_fill." Maybe those with and without parameters should be separate.