Client Meetings - joeriBouwman25/bubble-machine GitHub Wiki

📝 Meetings with Yuri and Marcio

Every week we met with Yuri Westplat, the product owner and the UX design students to present our progress to each other and discuss further ideas. We also spoke with Marcio Fuckner, the developer and researcher of the model and API, a few times for questions and new features for the API.

Week 1

In week one we met with Yuri and Marcio on Tuesday. We had an introductory meeting about what the project was going to entail and what each other's expectations were. Marcio gave a presentation about the AI model and the API to help us understand what the model did and how we can use the API. At the end of the week we also met the students from the UX minor. We showed them what we made in week one and they showed us their ideas for the application.

Week 2

In week two we spoke with Yuri and the UX students and these were the feedback points and ideas we were going to work on:

  • Zooming in and out of the graph
  • Take steps back in the simulation
  • Real-time data to change the visualisation with websocket server
  • hoveren over the bubbles for more information
  • parameters and design css

Week 3

In week three we spoke first to Yuri and the UX design students: We showed the third iteration of our design and explained the features we added. Those were: run the graph changes, create and delete sessions, added darkmode and pause the steps.

In this week we also spoke to Marcio because we had some questions about how to implement sockets using a web socket server. He explained to us that you need to make a session and then subscribe to that session using the web socket server to listen for updates. Every event has its own update and you need to handle that in the right way.

Week 4

Yuri gave a presentation about the basics of data visualisation and how to build a visualisation that was understandable. We talked about different graphs and how the data is represented. He also explained to us how data visualisation works psychologically and how Gestalt principles come into play.

Week 5

In week 5 we presented our final project to Yuri and Marcio on thursday morning. Everyone came together at 9 in the morning for our small presentation. I showed the onboarding for the website and Joeri and Remco presented all the features in the application. The feedback was very positive, they were happy with the end result. Marcio told us he really appreciated that we continously asked questions and presented additons to the API and bug fixes. They told us their plans for further iterations in the project.