Meeting 2025 02 05 - joergklausen/kadi-csa GitHub Wiki

Meeting started at 08:00 UTC (09:00 Switzerland, 11:00 Kenya)

PRESENT Lutz Merbold Leonie Bernet Jörg Klausen Christina Mahonga Patricia Nying'uro


Agenda EB feedback Deliverable 2.5 current status


  1. Report from EB meeting on 04 February:
  • Status update on city observations - lots of "future" tense used in the deliverables

  • Discussion on WP1 and WP3 Deliverables (unified design) - Link to WP1: Link to WP3:

  • Discussion about extension of our Deliverable (WP2) between Joerg and the EB (Teresa) because we missed our internal deadline (beginning of Feb.) Joerg acknowledged the latest contributions of Patricia and Lutz, Teresa will come back to us on the potentital extension approval - Joerg expects her to come back to us within the week Lutz pointed towards a final review (internal) by two or three person to harmonize and who will go first Joerg answered that a full text needs to be available by 14th February Christine is waiting for additional inputs from KMD colleagues and also wants to include more material (ie radiation data in addition to rainfall which is in at the moment) Christine showed additional variables: Joerg and Lutz asked on specific and obvious patterns and suggested to ensure that the captions and figures are easy to understand (minimum would be to include these in the Appendix given 9 days until the internal deadline)

  1. Progress on Deliverable 2.5 Joerg shared the document online and everyone discussed on remaining open issues Lutz provided a summary on the ecosystems and whats there the section Services from longterm observations is still empty - Can we add something? - brainstorming sessions what to include (outreach activities, and training activities, early warning and meteorological hazards, climate change monitoring) the section lessons learned needs further inputs and structure, Joerg volunteered to look into it and this is an important part of the Deliverable, we need structure and Leonie will have a direct start at this. Leonie mentioned the difficulty of all the track changes. This was acknowledges and still for now we will keep it this way.

Joint Agreement: All info has to be in the document by 14th February (hard deadline) The last 2 weeks of Febraury will be used for harmonization Lutz will have a first start until the 19th February Joerg will continue on the 20th February Christine and Joyce will read over the document on 21st February

Potential final meeting in the last week of February - Wednesday 7:30-08:00

  1. AOB
  • Python and Data Gym Workshop planning: 4 day data training workshop in Kapiti (GAW data and Ecosystem flux data) Joerg needs to talk to Kennedy to agree on dates and modalities, Agenda per se exists
  1. Leonie mentioned the meeting on the GHG publication from Mt Kenya the upcoming Wednesday (9am onwards) - Input from KMD is needed

Next meeting: 05 March 2025