Meeting 2024 02 07 - joergklausen/kadi-csa GitHub Wiki
Meeting started at 08:00 UTC (09:00 Switzerland, 11:00 Kenya)
Jörg Klausen Lutz Merbold Martin Steinbacher Leonie Bernet Joyce Kimutai Coleen Vogel Theresia Bilola Hanna Lappaleinen
Kennedy Thiong'o Petri Pellikka Patricia
- Report from EB meeting of 6 February (Patricia, Jörg, 10’)
- WP reported as always:
- Coleen particularly on planning of the stakeholder meeting: Modus operandi – smaller meetings with individual partners of the city pilot, lots of meetings between marine/ocean scientists – plan is to have a bigger meeting later this year, everyone comes from different angles into the project which makes things very complex and challenging yet also interesting and exciting
- Jörg reported on WP2
- Hand-over from Sarina to KMD and Jörg (Jörg, 5’)
- Handover took place
- Status of metadata update/correction of KMD and other stations in OSCAR/Surface (Thiong’o, 10’) and Registration of Taita station (Petri, Thiong’o, 5’)
- Taita station should be registered in OSCAR (pending task with Petri)
- Stakeholder workshop (Thiong’o, Joyce, Patricia, 20’)
- Preparation is under way, invitation letters have been sent, some responses already, reminders are being sent out again, A list whom will attend and whom not must be made available
- Letters will also be sent to the whole WP2 group by Joyce
- Open questions: What are the expectations from the external participants? What kind of stakeholders are you going to invite? Tere is a long list on confluence and yet its unclear on how the existing list will be cleaned up and whats the purpose of inviting specific stakeholders – Joyce will discuss this with Thiong’o in order for both of them to be on the same page
- Discussions about the focus of the workshop and the agenda does not reflect sufficient detail for todays overview. However, one key purpose is to fill the survey with the stakeholders and there will be individual smaller groups to do so. Yet, KMD must clarify the objectives in advance of the meeting with the WP2 group and also to the participants at the beginning of the meeting. Moreover, KMD will prepare a detailed report about the outcomes of the meeting afterwards.
- Link to workshop of city pilots in Nairobi must be clarified – Theresia has not been invited so this is on KMD (Joyce) – exchange with Nina is essential
- Suggestion by Jörg: Christine from KMD should take part in our meetings in the future
- Suggestion by Jörg & Theresia: Participant List from invitation to actual participation is mandatory for KMD to receive funds, Joyce to reach out to Coleen from other experiences
- AOB (10’)
- monthly tag up report from Anne being given during the monthly meeting -> original agreement amongst the group yet this has not materialized - Joyce to discuss with Thiong'o
- Hanna to follow-up with Petri on Taita OSCAR regsitration - next time to report on this issue
- Martin informed WMO opportunity of online courses (wide variety of topics) - they are looking for testers and will likely reach out to KADI
- Leonie Bernet introduced herself to the team (she works 50% on KADI and 50% on ICOS cities) - Welcome to the team
- Next meeting 6th March - usual time