Meeting 2023 12 06 - joergklausen/kadi-csa GitHub Wiki
Meeting started at 08:00 UTC (09:00 Switzerland, 11:00 Kenya)
- Kennedy Thiong'o
- Sarina Danioth
- Leonie Bernet
- Martin Steinbacher
- Jörg Klausen
- Lutz Merbold
- Joyce Kimutai
- Patricia Nying'uro
- Petri Pellikka (also for 10 January 2024)
- Adoption of minutes of November meeting
- New colleague working at EMPA - mst
- Report from EB meeting on 21 November - jkl
- Timeline (OSCAR/Surface catalogue, survey, report, stakeholder meeting) - KMD/Kennedy
- Reports from the participants - all
- Miscellaneous
- Seacrifog vs OSCAR/Surface
- ...
- Next meeting: 10 January 2024
Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes of the last meeting adopted.
New colleague working at EMPA: Leonie Bernet started at EMPA last week. As it is her first meeting today, we have an introduction round. Leonie and Martin will plan a visit to MeteoSwiss soon.
Report from EB meeting on 21 November:
- Jörg showed us the topics discussed at the last EB meeting on 21 November. Stakeholder meetings are in discussion, we also should organize one.
Timeline (OSCAR/Surface catalogue, survey, report, stakeholder meeting):
- OSCAR/Surface catalogue: Kennedy talked to Sedah, Anne and James. They cannot give an exact timeline for the registration and correction of the OSCAR/Surface catalogue. As the process is very slow now, a strategy is needed -> Kennedy will talk to them again.
- survey: Stakeholders were reminded again, survey is topic at the stakeholder meeting.
- report: -> shifted to meeting in january.
- stakeholder meeting: KMD is currently planning a stakeholder meeting. They started to develop a budget and agenda. The draft for these will be shared with the pilot team until next week. At the end of next week the plans should go to the EB and Matthew to decide about the budget. The current plan is to invite 91 stakeholders(organizations), 70 from Nairobi, 21 from outside to a hotel in Nairobi for a one-day workshop (The transport of the participants must be financed). The content of the workshop might include a welcome talk, an introduction round (about KADI, workshop goals, etc.), meetings in smaller groups around tables (give stakeholders room to speak), time for responding to the survey (where assistance is given) and a closing. Perhaps those who have already completed the survey can have a short talk. The possibility for attending the workshop online is not planned yet. The meeting is planned for mid-February.
Reports from the participants:
- Lutz (via WhatsApp): Vincent is finalizing a paper draft on the EC fluxes until 15th december - internal review until mid january - submission mid february…. in parallel we plan to have EC data online available via fluxnet in Q1 2024. I was present at the GeoSummit 2023 in Capetown for Theresia Session - she presented very well the project and yet the community is ‚a little behind‘ the other parallel activities (ie WMO GHG Watch etc)
- Miscellaneous:
- (just for fun)
- (more serious, general information)
- (more serious, general information)
- Martin shared links:,
- Next meeting: 10 January 2024