Meeting 2023 10 04 - joergklausen/kadi-csa GitHub Wiki

Meeting started at 11EAT


  • Joyce Kimutai (Chair)
  • Hanna Lappalainen
  • Sarina Danioth (Minutes)
  • Patricia Nyinguro


  • Jörg Klausen


  1. Adoption of minutes of September meeting
  2. Report from EB meeting on 04 October
  3. Reports from the participants
  4. Next meeting


1. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes of the last meeting adopted.

2. Report from EB: Sarina participated yesterday's EB meeting. Sarina reports:

  • Summary of the WP updates.
  • Reporting Period 1 comes to an end (submission in October!!) - technical and financial must be finished!
  • KADI project meeting and GA will be hold during the WCRP on October 26 (whole day) and 27 (evening).
  • There's a new KADI WhatsApp Group for connecting / sharing links, etc. - link to join the group is on confluence.

3. Reports from the participants


  • WCRP Poster ready: Link
  • Update Survey: 6 useful responses so far. Current status on which stakeholders were contacted, who completed the survey, etc. is provided in this Fileshare document.
  • Report: had discussions with KMD about the structure, writing tasks.
  • Station catalogue: 159 stations are catalogued on OSCAR/Surface by KMD. Next: add instruments, update of MKN and Nairobi station.


  • Internal meeting on report before Kigali to discuss the writing of sections
  • After Kigali: meeting with Jörg and Sarina at KMD and working together on report, etc.
  • Patricia will look for stakeholder contacts from universities
  • Kennedy currently has calls/meetings with stakeholders


  • WP1 and Cities Pilot: Poster for Rwanda soon ready


  • Sent contacts of stations to Jörg
  • Petri Pelllikka would like to join our monthly meetins as well - send invitation

5. Next meeting will be on 1st of November

Action items:

  • Technical Report & Financial Report
  • Internal meeting within KMD on the section writing of lessons learnt report
  • Contact universities

Meeting closed at 10.50EAT