Meeting 2023 10 04 - joergklausen/kadi-csa GitHub Wiki
Meeting started at 11EAT
- Joyce Kimutai (Chair)
- Hanna Lappalainen
- Sarina Danioth (Minutes)
- Patricia Nyinguro
- Jörg Klausen
- Adoption of minutes of September meeting
- Report from EB meeting on 04 October
- Reports from the participants
- Next meeting
1. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes of the last meeting adopted.
2. Report from EB: Sarina participated yesterday's EB meeting. Sarina reports:
- Summary of the WP updates.
- Reporting Period 1 comes to an end (submission in October!!) - technical and financial must be finished!
- KADI project meeting and GA will be hold during the WCRP on October 26 (whole day) and 27 (evening).
- There's a new KADI WhatsApp Group for connecting / sharing links, etc. - link to join the group is on confluence.
3. Reports from the participants
- WCRP Poster ready: Link
- Update Survey: 6 useful responses so far. Current status on which stakeholders were contacted, who completed the survey, etc. is provided in this Fileshare document.
- Report: had discussions with KMD about the structure, writing tasks.
- Station catalogue: 159 stations are catalogued on OSCAR/Surface by KMD. Next: add instruments, update of MKN and Nairobi station.
- Internal meeting on report before Kigali to discuss the writing of sections
- After Kigali: meeting with Jörg and Sarina at KMD and working together on report, etc.
- Patricia will look for stakeholder contacts from universities
- Kennedy currently has calls/meetings with stakeholders
- WP1 and Cities Pilot: Poster for Rwanda soon ready
- Sent contacts of stations to Jörg
- Petri Pelllikka would like to join our monthly meetins as well - send invitation
5. Next meeting will be on 1st of November
Action items:
- Technical Report & Financial Report
- Internal meeting within KMD on the section writing of lessons learnt report
- Contact universities
Meeting closed at 10.50EAT