Meeting 2023 07 05 - joergklausen/kadi-csa GitHub Wiki
Meeting started at 11EAT
- Martin Steinbacher (Chair)
- Jörg Klausen
- Lutz Merbold
- Patricia Nying'uro
- Kennedy Thiong'o
- Joyce Kimutai
- Geoffrey Ogutu
- Sarina Danioth (Minutes)
- Dominique Rust
- Adoption of minutes of June meeting
- Report from EB meeting on 04 July
- Reports from the participants
- Next meeting
1. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes of the last meeting adopted
2. Report from EB: Martin participated at yesterday's EB meeting on behalf of Jörg. Martin reports:
- Survey Tool: Google Forms should not be used. SurveyHero is the tool of choice. When needed it should be possible to get access from ICOS to tool within a day. -> Sarina will reach out to project office. (discussion about deadline for survey to be filled out by stakeholders: agreed on about 1 month, reminder after 3 weeks if not done so far).
- KADI Website: planned to go online this week. WPs / Pilots can provide content on confluence page for website.
- WP2: Tommy Bornman takes the lead. A WP2 meeting will be held soon (D2.4 vs. D2.5 can be discussed there).
- Social Media: KADI will get a LinkedIn page and therefore all project participants are invited to share / like.
3. Reports from the participants
- Sarina: Regarding survey: timeline is delayed by 1-2 weeks (had to wait for Survey Tool to be defined). Created fileshare document for report; it contains rough strucutre and some first drafted content) -> invitation to look at it.
- Patricia: gives an update on the City pilot. A summary powerpoint on the progress so far is shown on confluence.
- Joyce: The WPs Joyce is involved in did not fully start yet. First meetings are planned.
- Lutz: Vincent Ondongo is in contact with Kennedy to register the sites in OSCAR. He will also reach out to Sarina soon.
- Martin: Dominique Rust found another Job and will leave KADI. Martin will try to hire someone new from autumn on.
- Geoffrey: is mainly involved in WP3 and WP5. These WPs did not really started working yet...
4. Next meeting will be on 2nd of August: Jörg, Martin and Lutz are on leave then. Sarina and KMD will still hold meeting.
Action items
from this meeting
- 2023-07-05-A: (Sarina) transfer survey draft form confluence to SurveyHero, organize test round, dissemination to stakeholders
- 2023-07-05-B: (KMD) work on stakeholder list -> ready before dissemination in mid-July
- 2023-07-05-C: Look at Fileshare document for D2.5
from previous meetings
- 2023-div-B: (KMD, MeteoSwiss) Station mapping, upload stations to OSCAR/Surface
Meeting closed at 11EAT