Meeting 2023 07 05 - joergklausen/kadi-csa GitHub Wiki

Meeting started at 11EAT


  1. Martin Steinbacher (Chair)
  2. Jörg Klausen
  3. Lutz Merbold
  4. Patricia Nying'uro
  5. Kennedy Thiong'o
  6. Joyce Kimutai
  7. Geoffrey Ogutu
  8. Sarina Danioth (Minutes)


  1. Dominique Rust


  1. Adoption of minutes of June meeting
  2. Report from EB meeting on 04 July
  3. Reports from the participants
  4. Next meeting


1. Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes of the last meeting adopted

2. Report from EB: Martin participated at yesterday's EB meeting on behalf of Jörg. Martin reports:

  • Survey Tool: Google Forms should not be used. SurveyHero is the tool of choice. When needed it should be possible to get access from ICOS to tool within a day. -> Sarina will reach out to project office. (discussion about deadline for survey to be filled out by stakeholders: agreed on about 1 month, reminder after 3 weeks if not done so far).
  • KADI Website: planned to go online this week. WPs / Pilots can provide content on confluence page for website.
  • WP2: Tommy Bornman takes the lead. A WP2 meeting will be held soon (D2.4 vs. D2.5 can be discussed there).
  • Social Media: KADI will get a LinkedIn page and therefore all project participants are invited to share / like.

3. Reports from the participants

  • Sarina: Regarding survey: timeline is delayed by 1-2 weeks (had to wait for Survey Tool to be defined). Created fileshare document for report; it contains rough strucutre and some first drafted content) -> invitation to look at it.
  • Patricia: gives an update on the City pilot. A summary powerpoint on the progress so far is shown on confluence.
  • Joyce: The WPs Joyce is involved in did not fully start yet. First meetings are planned.
  • Lutz: Vincent Ondongo is in contact with Kennedy to register the sites in OSCAR. He will also reach out to Sarina soon.
  • Martin: Dominique Rust found another Job and will leave KADI. Martin will try to hire someone new from autumn on.
  • Geoffrey: is mainly involved in WP3 and WP5. These WPs did not really started working yet...

4. Next meeting will be on 2nd of August: Jörg, Martin and Lutz are on leave then. Sarina and KMD will still hold meeting.

Action items

from this meeting

  • 2023-07-05-A: (Sarina) transfer survey draft form confluence to SurveyHero, organize test round, dissemination to stakeholders
  • 2023-07-05-B: (KMD) work on stakeholder list -> ready before dissemination in mid-July
  • 2023-07-05-C: Look at Fileshare document for D2.5

from previous meetings

  • 2023-div-B: (KMD, MeteoSwiss) Station mapping, upload stations to OSCAR/Surface

Meeting closed at 11EAT