Meeting 2023 06 07 - joergklausen/kadi-csa GitHub Wiki

Meeting started at 11EAT


  1. Jörg Klausen (Chair)
  2. Martin Steinbacher
  3. Dominique Rust
  4. Sarina Danioth (Minutes)
  5. Lutz Merbold


  1. Geoffrey Ogutu
  2. Kennedy Thiong'o
  3. Patricia Nying'uro
  4. Joyce Kimutai


  1. Adoption of minutes of May meeting
  2. Report from EB meeting on 06 June
  3. Reports from the participants
  4. Next meeting


1. Minutes of the last meeting adopted

2. Report from EB: Jörg reports from yesterday's EB meeting:

  • Various workshops within WP1 and WP2 took place (regarding communication, stakeholder engagement, etc.) - reminder: stakeholders should not be contacted from different sides within the project -> coordination is needed.
  • Distinction between Deliverable D2.4 and D2.5 -> need to be checked and discussed with involved partners (who is reponsible for what?). MeteoSwiss focuses currently on cataloguing present and past networks / facilities. A resulting lessons learned report will focus on learnings from the past, requirements and suggestions for the future, etc. -> some overlapping with other Pilots / WPs need to be discussed
  • A KADI project meeting is planned in Kigali (WCRP Open Science Conference) in the end of October. Jörg will try to attend.
  • Collaboration on documents: either use confluence or KADI Fileshare. Fileshare needs to be tested -> if it works for us, we might use that for the lessons learned report.
  • Data management plan: current version is available on confluence. Can be looked at, commented and edited. Werner will consolidate it in the end before submission.

3. Reports from the participants

  • Sarina: shows current version of survey on confluence. Dicussion about data policy is ongoing (ICOS will provide template, need to be checked with MeteoSwiss). Sarina will send timeline and link to survey to involved partners - edits and comments until end of June (on confluence). Then migrating it to Google Forms and doing a test round (within project). Mid of July survey is planned to be send to stakeholders.
  • Dominique: will start focusing on project in September.
  • Martin: currently checking data, upload to data centers

4. Next meeting will be on 5th of July

Action items

from today

  • 2023-06-07-A: (Sarina) send out timeline / instructions to project colleagues for working on survey
  • 2023-06-07-B: (All) work on survey draft (on confluence) until 2023-06-30 (afterwards: Google Forms will be created by Sarina)
  • 2023-06-07-C: (MeteoSwiss, KMD) discuss data policy for survey & Email address to be used to disseminate survey
  • 2023-06-07-D: (MeteoSwiss) discuss expected deliverables (especially the lessons learned report) with ICOS and potenitally also other WPs with similar deliverables; as soon as content of lessons learned report is clear -> prepare a structure in a collaborative environment (probably in Fileshare)

from previous meetings

  • 2023-05-03-A: (KMD) check-out the data format coming into KMD from the Mountain observations and if it is usable in KMD
  • 2023-02-A (Joyce): Kenya team to reach out to Francois on the started modelling activities and on the already completed simulations
  • 2023-02-C (Joyce, after consulting with Francois): Station metadata to be compiled for inclusion in modelling pilot. Ongoing. Talked to Francois and planned meetings starting Friday 5th May
  • 2023-02-D (Jörg, Martin, Kennedy): Team to work on a comprehensive coherent picture of observation network of Kenya and the observational capabilities now and anticipate future needs.
  • 2023-01-C: Incorporate ecosystem research observations
  • 2023-div-A: GEO Mountains Small Grants Programme 2023 - proposal
  • 2023-div-B: (KMD, MeteoSwiss) Station mapping in Kenya: KMD is working on Excel list containing the required station metadata, MeteoSwiss supports the upload process to OSCAR/Surface (creation of XML-Files, upload of them)
  • 2023-div-C: (KMD) Stakeholder list: STakeholder list was moved to table in confluence, Patricia will add missing information

meeting closed shortly at 11 EAT