Meeting 2023 04 05 - joergklausen/kadi-csa GitHub Wiki
Meeting started at 11EAT
- Jörg Klausen
- Martin Steinbacher (minutes)
- Joyce Kimutai
- Dominique Rust - Empa
- Patricia Nying'uro
- Lutz Merbold
- Kennedy Thiong'o
- Geoffrey Ogutu
- Matt Saunders
- Adoption of minutes of previous meeting
- reports from the participants
- AoB
- Next meeting
Minutes of previous meeting were not available during the meeting (lost in github) and have to be recovered. Adoption will take place next time.
report by Jörg:
- MeteoSwiss hired an intern, Sarina Danioth, she starts on 17 April till the end of the year.
- Jörg talked to Kennedy yesterday: Kennedy has issues to connect to Github, he needs support from KMD colleagues Kennedy send out an email to all county directors but county directors partly have no internet access only mobile phone connections county directors are supposed to respond by the 15th of April; the letter contains a call to fill in a table of stations and coordinates, measurement programme, governing organization, ... (like a zero draft of the survey)
- access to KMD data: KMD has a standing committee in place on what data can be publically released
- real-time data transfer from MKN to KMD: data are largely arriving in Nairobi (not sure if data are complete) but data are not (yet) used data include CO2, CH4, CO, surface O3, aerosol parameters, temperature, humidity, pressure, precipitation
report by Lutz:
- flux data from 2018-2020 & 2021 onwards for two sites were reprocessed, data will be made available in fluxnet, first paper draft is written.
- Kenyan fluxnet should be registered in OSCAR surface
report from Patricia:
- meeting with Rebecca (KADI WP1), meeting was postponed, thus Patricia could not attend; next meeting in the coming days; KMD is in contact to contribute to Rebecca's stakeholder mapping
- email addresses were added to the list of stakeholders
- what will be done with the list of stakeholders once it is completed?
report from Joyce:
- follow up on the modelling pilot; Francois didn't reply lately
- next meeting of the modelling pilot is supposed to happen in the first week of May
report from Dominique/Martin:
- list of action items was compiled and is attached below
- AoB:
- GEO Mountain Research Initiative compiled an inventory of in-situ mountain station worldwide with > 50'000 stations, see
- see for GEO Mountains Small Grants Programme 2023, deadline 30 April 2023; Zamin likely wants to submit a proposal; Joyce will look into the call text again, 10'000 CHF max can be received
- next KADI EB meeting on 11th of April, noon Kenya time
- Next meeting will be on 3 May 2023
Action items
from today
- 2023-04-A: (Joyce, till mid April): check if GEO Mountains Small Grants Programme 2023 could be an opportunity to receive additional funding
from previous meetings
2023-03-A (Kennedy, till April 2023 meeting): to clearly determine the way forward in continuing/extending/completing the station mapping in Kenya and data rescue
2023-03-B (Kennedy, till April 2023 meeting): to define the way forward how this information of the station mapping exercise finds its way into OSCARsurface
2023-03-C (Patricia), till April 2023 meeting: to reach out to Rebecca to coordinate the stakeholder mapping and the questionnaire; are common or individual surveys planned? to share meeting details with the group when you talk to Rebecca
2023-03-D (Patricia, till April 2023 meeting): to assign names (contact information) to the entities listed on the stakeholder list
2023-03-E (Joyce, till April 2023 meeting): to report back from the meeting with Francois
2023-03-F (all, till April 2023 meeting): to look into the GEO mountains call; is there interest in preparing a proposal?
2023-02-A (Joyce): Kenya team to reach out to Francois on the started modelling activities and on the already completed simulations
2023-02-B (Pat): The general public to be added as stakeholders in the mapping exercise. Additional questions from past surveys conducted by KMD to be added to the list
2023-02-C (Joyce, after consulting with Francois): Station metadata to be compiled for inclusion in modelling pilot
2023-02-D (Jörg, Martin, Kennedy): Team to work on a comprehensive coherent picture of observation network of Kenya and the observational capabilities now and anticipate future needs
2023-01-A (Kennedy, till February 2023 meeting): avail the list of stations to Jörg
2023-01-B (all): Create page with list of stakeholders and to collect tentative/ well prepared questions for the stakeholder mapping exercise. Now done ✅ link to page here
2023-01-C: Incorporate ecosystem research observations
meeting closed shortly after 12