spring batch - joekrom/demo GitHub Wiki


  • A JOB contains an algorithm that describes exactly what you wnat to do it is a recipe(which step shoulb be execute in whic order)
    but unlike a function in java it is an object in memory which is created once the application is started. A job is a series of steps
  • STEPS are executed one after another
    A step can be completed suceesfully even if the job has not jetzt been successfully processed
  • JOBLAUNCHER: it is the coomponent on which you can define how you want to execute your jobs
    it helps you configure how the jobs will be procesed(synchronously other asynchronously)
  • JOBPARAMETER: Thy are data you want to process or refenrence(database id, list of db id, url , path to a file )
    that means you can execute your job parameterised

Annotation: Helps to add piece of information(metadata) that will check and add during the compile time
annotation helps the Framework to understand what to do with your code