Using Windows - joaomlourenco/novathesis GitHub Wiki

This page is intended to provide support to Windows users, and answers to questions that have been risen frequently by Windows users.

Can I use the template with Windows?

Yes you can! But please note that you must use a text editor that works well with UTF8 (fortunately most editors do). Also, please note that I do not work with Windows computers and, hence, cannot help you with problems specific from the Windows environment. But if you request for help in the right place, probably other users can and will help you.

I do not have "biber" in Windows. What can I do?

Download the most recent version of the template, which is not using Biber but rather BibTeX.

The template has an option to use Latin1 instead of UTF8. How can I use it?

All the text files in the distributed package are in UTF8, so you should use UTF8. However, if you have very strong (a really very very strong) reasons to use Latin1, you must open all and every text file in the package and re-save it in Latin1 format. If you don't know how to do this, then you most probably don't need it! ;)

Just downloaded the package and have errors when processing the template.tex file?

If you are using the MikTeX distribution, open the MikTeX Package Manager in the menu select "Repository->Synchronize". Then process again the template.tex and it should work with no errors.

I'm using TeXstudio and I get a strange error saying that tracklang.sty is not found.

This is a recurring problem with MikTeX/TeXstudio users. MiKTeX - as well as other LaTeX distributions - should download all the package dependencies automatically. This issue has already been discussed here. To solve this, you should download the files tracklang.tex and tracklang.sty, and put them in the root folder of the project (the same where template.tex is).