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SEC542 Outline

An outline of the SEC542 course. This outline is exhaustive and covers 100% of the course study material.

    ↓ Chapter
### Why the Web
β€’ **Overview** - b *1* p *5-10*
    β€’ Why the Web - b *1*  p *6*
      β•°β•΄Section     β•°β•΄Book β•°β•΄Page(s)

View the...

View the...
  • Home page of the study guide.
  • Appendix of concepts and methods in the SEC542 course.
  • Cheatsheets for quick reference of the SEC542 course.
  • Glossary of terms in the SEC542 course.
  • Index of terms in the SEC542 course.
  • Labs in the SEC542 course, abridged versions.

Table of Contents

542.1 Introduction and Information Gathering

Why the Web

  • Overview - b 1 p 5-10
    • Why the Web - b 1 p 6
    • The Tangled Web - b 1 p 7
    • Current Web App Security Testing Is Often Limited - b 1 p 8
    • Increased Functionality with Web 2.0 - b 1 p 9
    • Cloud Basaed Applications - b 1 p 10


Understanding the Web

  • Overview - b 1 p 11-15
    • Understanding the Web - b 1 p 12
    • Characteristics of a Solid Web App Pen Testing Methodology - b 1 p 13
    • Knowledge of Tools - b 1 p 14
    • Permission to Test - b 1 p 15


Course Logistics

  • Overview - b 1 p 16-22
    • Laptop Requirements - b 1 p 17
    • Lab Set Up - b 1 p 18
    • Log In - b 1 p 19
    • Links and QR Codes - b 1 p 20
    • OWASP Testing Guide - b 1 p 21
    • OTG: Testing Categories - b 1 p 22


Web App Pen Tester's Toolkit

  • Overview - b 1 p 23-28
    • Web Application Pen Tester's Toolkit - b 1 p 24
    • Attack Platform - b 1 p 25-26
    • Web Application Security Scanner - b 1 p 27
    • Browsers - b 1 p 28


Interception Proxies

  • Overview - b 1 p 29-51
    • Interception Proxies - b 1 p 30
    • Interception Tools - b 1 p 31
    • Setting up Interception Methods - b 1 p 32
    • Fiddler - b 1 p 33-34
    • OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) - b 1 p 35
    • The ZAP Interface - b 1 p 36
    • ZAP's Attack Menu - b 1 p 37
    • Burp Suite - b 1 p 38
    • Burp Suite Components - b 1 p 39
    • Burp Target - b 1 p 40
    • Filtering - b 1 p 41
    • Scope - b 1 p 42
    • Burp Proxy - b 1 p 43
    • Proxy Options - b 1 p 44
    • Web Interface - b 1 p 45
    • Burp Spider - b 1 p 46
    • Burp Intruder - b 1 p 47
    • Burp Repeater - b 1 p 48
    • Burp Sequencer - b 1 p 49
    • Burp Decoder - b 1 p 50
    • Burp Comparer - b 1 p 51



  • Overview - b 1 p 52-67
    • WHOIS Protocol - b 1 p 53
    • WHOIS Client Output - b 1 p 54
    • DNS - b 1 p 55
    • DNS Zone Transfers - b 1 p 56
    • When Zone Transfers Aren't Available - b 1 p 57
    • Reverse DNS Scan - b 1 p 58
    • DNS Brute Force Scans - b 1 p 59
    • Useful DNS Reconnaissance Tools - b 1 p 60
    • nslookup - b 1 p 61
    • dig - b 1 p 62
    • dig Syntax - b 1 p 63
    • Nmap DNS NSE Scripts - b 1 p 64
    • DNSRecon - b 1 p 65
    • DNSRecon Output - b 1 p 66
    • Metasploit - b 1 p 67


Exercise: DNS Harvesting

  • Overview - b 1 p 69-77
    • DNS Harvesting Exercise - b 1 p 69
    • DNS Recon Lab: No Hints - b 1 p 70
    • dig - b 1 p 71
    • Zone Transfer - b 1 p 72
    • DNS Brute Force - b 1 p 73
    • Let's try dnsrecon.py - b 1 p 74
    • Interesting CNAMEs - b 1 p 75
    • Finally: Perform a Reverse (PTR) Scan - b 1 p 76
    • Why Metasploit - b 1 p 77


Open Source Information

  • Overview - b 1 p 78-104
    • Open Source Information - b 1 p 79
    • Search Engines - b 1 p 80
    • Search Directives - b 1 p 81
    • Modifiers to Focus Searches, - b 1 p 82
    • Google Hacking - b 1 p 83
    • Automating Google Searches - b 1 p 84
    • Social Networks - b 1 p 85
    • Shodan - b 1 p 86
    • Shodan SCADA Example: "Allen-Bradley 1763" - b 1 p 87
    • Micrologix 1100 Embedded Web Server - b 1 p 88
    • Searching Shodan for Pentesters - b 1 p 89
    • FOCA - b 1 p 90
    • FOCA Metadata - b 1 p 91
    • FOCA Example: Users - b 1 p 92
    • theHarvester - b 1 p 93
    • Maltego - b 1 p 94-95
    • Limitation of Maltego Community Edition - b 1 p 96
    • Recon-ng - b 1 p 97
    • Recon-ng: Recon-ng Modules - b 1 p 98
    • show info - b 1 p 99
    • Recon-ng: Recon Modules - b 1 p 100
    • Recon-ng: Modules for Contacts - b 1 p 101
    • Recon-ng: Modules for Creds - b 1 p 102
    • Recon-ng Sample Modules for Hosts - b 1 p 103
    • Recon-ng Sample Modules for Geo-Location - b 1 p 104


HTTP Protocol

  • Overview - b 1 p 105-118
    • Set the Wayback Machine to 1989 - b 1 p 107
    • The Web, v1 - b 1 p 108
    • HTTP/0.9 - b 1 p 109
    • HTTP/1.0 - b 1 p 110
    • HTTP/1.1 - b 1 p 111
      • Example HTTP 1.1 Request - b 1 p 114
      • Example HTTP 1.1 Response - b 1 p 116
    • HTTP/2 - b 1 p 112-113
    • In the Beginning - b 1 p 106
    • Query String Formats - b 1 p 118
    • Uniform Resource Identifier (URIs) - b 1 p 117
    • User-Agent - b 1 p 115


HTTP Methods

  • Overview - b 1 p 119-124
    • CONNECT Method - b 1 p 123
    • GET/HEAD/POST Methods - b 1 p 121
    • HTTP Request Methods - b 1 p 120
    • PUT/DELETE Methods - b 1 p 124
    • TRACE/OPTIONS Methods - b 1 p 122


HTTP Status Codes

  • Overview - b 1 p 125-127



  • Overview - b 1 p 128-132
    • Attacker's Perspective of HTTP - b 1 p 132
    • WebSocket - b 1 p 129
    • WebSocket Implementation - b 1 p 130
    • WebSocket Tools - b 1 p 131


Exercise: Examining HTTP Requests and Responses

  • Overview - b 1 p 133-141
    • Exercise Setup: Examining HTTP Requests and Responses Exercise - b 1 p 134
    • Examining HTTP Requests and Responses Exercise - b 1 p 135-141



  • Overview - b 1 p 142-145
    • Encrypting HTTP in Transit - b 1 p 143
    • Certificate Trusts - b 1 p 144
    • Attacker's Perspective - b 1 p 145


Testing for Weak Ciphers

  • Overview - b 1 p 146-152
    • OTG-CRYPST-001: Testing for Weak SSL/TSL Ciphers - b 1 p 147
    • Analyzing HTTPS Support of Target Machines - b 1 p 148
    • Scripting OpenSSL - b 1 p 149
    • Using nmap to Evaluate HTTPS Support - b 1 p 150
    • Qualys SSL Labs - b 1 p 151
    • Evaluating HTTPS Support on Targets - b 1 p 152


Exercise: Testing HTTPS



  • Overview - b 1 p 158-163
    • Heartbleed - b 1 p 159
    • Effect of the Vulnerability - b 1 p 160
    • The CloudFlare Challenge - b 1 p 161
    • Heartbleed Exploit Output - b 1 p 162
    • CHS Heartbleed Compromise - b 1 p 163


Exercise: Exploiting Heartbleed

  • Overview - b 1 p 164-173
    • Heartbleed Exercise - b 1 p 165
    • Open a terminal - b 1 p 166
    • ssl-heartbleed.nse sec542.org - b 1 p 167
    • ssl-heartbleed.nse heart.bleed - b 1 p 168
    • Browse to https://heart.bleed - b 1 p 169
    • Enter a Username and Password - b 1 p 170
    • Run heartbleed.py - b 1 p 171
    • Enter a different Username and Password - b 1 p 172
    • First Username and Password Revealed - b 1 p 173


Demo: Burp Suite Introduction

  • Overview - b 1 p 174-176
    • Burp Suite Demo - b 1 p 175
    • Burp vs Snake - b 1 p 176

542.2 Configuration, Identity and Authentication Testing


Scanning with Nmap

  • Overview - b 2 p 5-14
    • Nmap Port Scanner - b 2 p 6
    • Nmap Example - b 2 p 7
    • Server Profiling - b 2 p 8
    • Server Version - b 2 p 9
    • Nmap - b 2 p 10
    • Using Netcat to Grab Server Connection Strings - b 2 p 11
    • Netcat Server Version - b 2 p 12
    • Netcraft Detection - b 2 p 13
    • Netcraft Example - b 2 p 14


Exercise: Gathering Server Info

  • Overview - b 2 p 15-18
    • Gathering Server Info Exercise - b 2 p 16
    • Gathering Server Info: Running Netcat - b 2 p 17
    • Gathering Server Info: Running Nmap - b 2 p 18


Testing Software Configuration

  • Overview - b 2 p 19-26
    • OTG-INFO-002: Fingerprint Web Server - b 2 p 20
    • OTG-CONFIG-006: Test HTTP Methods - b 2 p 21
    • Software Configuration - b 2 p 22
    • Supported HTTP Request Methods - b 2 p 23
    • Using Netcat to Determine Supported HTTP Request Methods - b 2 p 24
    • Default Pages - b 2 p 25
    • Nikto - b 2 p 26



  • Overview - b 2 p 27-37
    • Software Configuration Flaws - b 2 p 28
    • Configuration Flaws Gone Wild - b 2 p 29
    • Shellshock - b 2 p 30
    • Shellshocking - b 2 p 31
    • Shellshock and the Web? - b 2 p 32
    • Shellshock Payloads - b 2 p 33
    • Injection Explained - b 2 p 34-35
    • Execution and Impact - b 2 p 36
    • Shellshocked HTTP Visualized - b 2 p 37


Exercise: Shellshock

  • Overview - b 2 p 38-49
    • View the cgi-bin Source Code - b 2 p 40
    • Shellshock: Running Burp - b 2 p 41
    • Set Burp Intercept - b 2 p 42
    • The Intercepted Request - b 2 p 43
    • Change the User-Agent - b 2 p 44
    • /etc/passwd Displayed in the Browser - b 2 p 45
    • Let's Run /usr/bin/id - b 2 p 46
    • Let's Use curl - b 2 p 47
    • /usr/bin/id via curl - b 2 p 48
    • Final Step - b 2 p 49


Spidering Web Applications

  • Overview - b 2 p 50-64
    • Application Information Gathering: Spidering - b 2 p 51
    • Spidering the Target Site - b 2 p 52
    • Spidering Methods - b 2 p 53
    • Robot Control - b 2 p 54
    • Automated Spidering with ZAP - b 2 p 55-56
    • Wappalyzer - b 2 p 57
    • Wappalyzer + Browsers - b 2 p 58
    • ZAP + Wappalyzer - b 2 p 59
    • ZAP: Technology Detection - b 2 p 60
    • ZAP Forced Browse - b 2 p 61
    • Automated Spidering with the Burp Suite - b 2 p 62
    • Automated Spidering with Wget - b 2 p 63
    • Specialized Spidering Tools - b 2 p 64


Exercise: Spidering

  • Overview - b 2 p 65-75
    • Web Spidering Exercise - b 2 p 66
    • Web Spidering: Running Wget - b 2 p 67
    • Web Spidering: Running ZAP- b 2 p 68
    • Web Spidering: Configure Firefox - b 2 p 69
    • Web Spidering: ZAP Spidering - b 2 p 70
    • Web Spidering: Running Burp - b 2 p 71
    • Web Spidering: Spider the Site with Burp - b 2 p 72
    • Web Spidering: Examine Results - b 2 p 73
    • Web Spidering: Running CeWL - b 2 p 74
    • Web Spidering: Final Step - b 2 p 75


Analyzing Spidering Results

  • Overview - b 2 p 76-81
    • Analyzing Spidering Results: What to Look for - b 2 p 77
    • HTML Comments - b 2 p 78
    • Disabled Functionality - b 2 p 79
    • Types of Disabled Functionality - b 2 p 80-81


Exercise: ZAP Forced Browse

  • Overview - b 2 p 82-89
    • Launch ZAP - b 2 p 83
    • Configure Firefox - b 2 p 84
    • ZAP Forced Browse Exercise - b 2 p 85
    • ZAP Forced Browse Exercise: No Hints - b 2 p 86
    • Begin the Forced Browse - b 2 p 87
    • ZAP Forced Browse Results - b 2 p 88
    • View the Newly Discovered URLs - b 2 p 89



  • Overview - b 2 p 90-96
    • Fuzzing - b 2 p 91
    • Examining Results - b 2 p 92
    • FuzzDB - b 2 p 93
    • Burp Intruder - b 2 p 94
    • Fuzzing (Attack) Types - b 2 p 95
    • Payloads - b 2 p 96


Exercise: Burp Fuzzing

  • Overview - b 2 p 97-106
    • Burp Fuzzing: Launching Burp - b 2 p 98
    • Burp Sniper Fuzzing Lab - b 2 p 99
    • Burp Fuzzing: Step-by-Step - b 2 p 100
    • Burp Fuzzing: Switch to Burp - b 2 p 101
    • Burp Intruder - b 2 p 102
    • Add the Password - b 2 p 103
    • Choose the Password List and Start the Attack - b 2 p 104
    • Burp Results - b 2 p 105
    • Final Step - b 2 p 106


Information Leakage

  • Overview - b 2 p 107-114
    • OTG-CONFIG-004: Review Unreferenced Files for Sensitive Information - b 2 p 108
    • Information Leakage - b 2 p 109
    • Types of Information Leakage - b 2 p 110
    • Directory Browsing - b 2 p 111
    • Google Searching for Directory Browsing - b 2 p 112
    • Searching for Information Leakage Flaws - b 2 p 113
    • Automated Discovery of Directory Browsing - b 2 p 114


Exercise: Directory Browsing

  • Overview - b 2 p 115-131
    • Directory Browsing Exercise - b 2 p 116
    • Directory Browsing Exercise: Goal - b 2 p 117
    • Directory Browsing Script find_accounts - b 2 p 118
    • Exercise Preperation Step: Create a List of Last Names - b 2 p 119
    • Directory Browsing Challenge - b 2 p 120
    • Run find_accounts - b 2 p 121
    • Launch ZAP - b 2 p 122
    • Configure Firefox - b 2 p 123
    • Surf to www.sec542.org/~adent/ - b 2 p 124
    • Switch to ZAP - b 2 p 125
    • Fuzz the First Initial - b 2 p 126
    • Add the Payload - b 2 p 127
    • Fuzz the last name - b 2 p 128
    • Add the Payload - b 2 p 129
    • Start the Fuzzer - b 2 p 120
    • The Fuzzing - b 2 p 131



  • Overview - b 2 p 132-153
    • Authentication - b 2 p 133
    • HTTP Basic Authentication - b 2 p 134
    • HTTP Basic Authentication Illustrated - b 2 p 135
    • Attacker's Perspective of HTTP Basic Authentication - b 2 p 136
    • HTTP Digest Authentication - b 2 p 137
    • HTTP Digest Authentication Illustrated - b 2 p 138
    • Attacker's Perspective of HTTP Digest Authentication - b 2 p 139
    • Integrated Windows Authentication - b 2 p 140
    • Attacker's Perspective of HTTP Integrated Windows Authentication - b 2 p 141
    • Forms-based Authentication - b 2 p 142
    • Pieces of Forms-based Authentication - b 2 p 143
    • Forms-based Authentication Illustrated - b 2 p 144
    • Attacker's Perspective of Forms-based Authentication - b 2 p 145
    • OAuth - b 2 p 146
    • How OAuth Works - b 2 p 147-149
    • OAuth 1.0 - b 2 p 150
    • OAuth 2.0 - b 2 p 151
    • Example OAuth Requests - b 2 p 152
    • Attacker's View of OAuth - b 2 p 153


Exercise: Authentication

  • Overview - b 2 p 154-173
    • Authentication Exercise - b 2 p 155
    • Client Authentication: Running ZAP - b 2 p 156
    • Client Authentication: Configure Firefox - b 2 p 157
    • Client Authentication: ZAP - Basic Authentication - b 2 p 158-165
    • Client Authentication: ZAP - Digest Authentication - b 2 p 166-168
    • Client Authentication: ZAP - Forms-Based Authentication - b 2 p 169-172
    • Final Step - b 2 p 173


Username Harvesting

  • Overview - b 2 p 174-183
    • OTG-IDENT-004: Testing for Account Enumeration - b 2 p 175
    • Username Harvesting - b 2 p 176
    • Harvesting Usernames from Authentication Pages - b 2 p 177
    • Results to Look for - b 2 p 178
    • Side Channel Attacks - b 2 p 179
    • Practical Side Channel Attacks - b 2 p 180
    • Timing Attacks - b 2 p 181
    • Slow Hashing - b 2 p 182
    • Practical Side Channel Timing Attacks - b 2 p 183


Exercise: Username Harvesting

  • Overview - b 2 p 184-201
    • Username Harvesting Exercise - b 2 p 185
    • Your Challenge: No Hints - b 2 p 186
    • Username Harvesting: Test the Login Form - b 2 p 187
    • Username Harvesting: Enumerating Users - b 2 p 188-189
    • Combine Two Wordlists - b 2 p 190
    • Let's Try the Second Form - b 2 p 191
    • Launch ZAP - b 2 p 192
    • Configure Firefox - b 2 p 193
    • Let's Fuzz - b 2 p 194
    • ZAP Fuzzer Menu- b 2 p 195
    • Add the Payload - b 2 p 196
    • Fuzz the last name - b 2 p 197
    • Add the Payload - b 2 p 198
    • Start the Fuzzer - b 2 p 199
    • Now: Find the Valid Users - b 2 p 200
    • Why Does This Timing Attack Work? - b 2 p 201


542.3 Injection


Session Tracking

  • Overview - b 3 p 4-12
    • Stateless as a Way of Life - b 3 p 5
    • Session Tracking - b 3 p 6
    • Type of Session: Client-Side vs Server-Side - b 3 p 7
    • Popular Tracking - b 3 p 8
    • Cookies - b 3 p 9
    • URI Parameters - b 3 p 10
    • Hidden Form Fields - b 3 p 11
    • Attacker's Perspective of Session State - b 3 p 12


Session Fixation

  • Overview - b 3 p 13-23
    • Session Token Gathering - b 3 p 14
    • Session Token Variables - b 3 p 15
    • Identifying Session Tokens - b 3 p 16
    • Session Token Predictability - b 3 p 17
    • Manually Collecting Session Credentials - b 3 p 18
    • Collecting Session Credentials via Customized Scripts - b 3 p 19
    • Burp Sequencer Session Analysis - b 3 p 20
    • Session Flaws beyond Math - b 3 p 21
    • Session Fixation - b 3 p 22
    • Discovering/Exploiting Session Fixation - b 3 p 23


Bypass Flaws

  • Overview - b 3 p 24-26
    • Authentication Bypass - b 3 p 25
    • Bypass Methods - b 3 p 26


Exercise: Authentication Bypass

  • Overview - b 3 p 27-32
    • Authentication Bypass Exercise - b 3 p 28
    • Authentication Bypass: Examine the Code in BASE - b 3 p 29
    • Authentication Bypass: Create an HTML Exploit - b 3 p 30
    • Authentication Bypass: Build HTML Exploit - b 3 p 31
    • Authentication Bypass: Testing Bypass Flaw - b 3 p 32


Vulnerable Web Apps: Mutillidae

  • Overview - b 3 p 33-39
    • Multillidae - b 3 p 34
    • Multillidae's OWASP 2013 Coverage - b 3 p 35
    • Multillidae Security Levels - b 3 p 36
    • Multillidae Hints - b 3 p 37
    • Level 2 Hints - b 3 p 38
    • Reset DB - b 3 p 39


Command Injection

  • Overview - b 3 p 40-44
    • OTG-INPVAL-013: Testing for Command Injection - b 3 p 41
    • Command Injection - b 3 p 42
    • Discovering Command Injection - b 3 p 43
    • Command Injection Results - b 3 p 44


Exercise: Command Injection

  • Overview - b 3 p 45-55
    • Command Injection Exercise - b 3 p 46
    • Exercise: Setup - b 3 p 47
    • Exercise: Challenges - b 3 p 48
    • Exercise: Step 1 - b 3 p 49
    • Command Injection Results - b 3 p 50
    • Step 2: Discover the Privileges of the Running User - b 3 p 51
    • Step 3: Ping - b 3 p 52
    • Ping Results - b 3 p 53
    • Step 4: Open a Backdoor Shell - b 3 p 54
    • Our Shell - b 3 p 55


File Inclusion and Directory Traversal

  • Overview - b 3 p 56-64
    • OTG-INPVAL-012: Testing for Code Injection: LFI/RFI - b 3 p 57
    • Local and Remote File Include - b 3 p 58
    • Directory Traversal and File Inclusion - b 3 p 59
    • Traditional Example - b 3 p 60
    • Application Example - b 3 p 61
    • Testing for Directory Traversal and File Include Flaws - b 3 p 62
    • Obvious Parameters - b 3 p 63
    • Building Blocks - b 3 p 64


Exercise: Local/Remote File Inclusion

  • Overview - b 3 p 65-77
    • Local/Remote File Inclusion Exercise - b 3 p 66
    • Exercise: Setup 1 - b 3 p 67
    • Exercise: Challenges - b 3 p 68
    • Step 1: Local File Inclusion (LFI) - b 3 p 69
    • Step 2: Local File Inclusion (LFI) - b 3 p 70
    • Step 3: Remote File Inclusion - b 3 p 71
    • Step 4: PHP Crash Course - b 3 p 72
    • Step 5: Create /var/www/html/id.txt - b 3 p 73
    • Step 6: Launch the RFI - b 3 p 74
    • Step 7: Create a Backdoor - b 3 p 75
    • Step 8: Run the Backdoor - b 3 p 76
    • The Backdoor - b 3 p 77


SQL Injection Primer

  • Overview - b 3 p 78-95
    • Introduction to SQL Injection - b 3 p 79
    • Origin of SQL Injection - b 3 p 80
    • Relational Databases - b 3 p 81
    • Key SQL Verbs - b 3 p 82
    • SQL Query Modifiers - b 3 p 83
    • Important SQL Data Types - b 3 p 84
    • SQL Special Characters - b 3 p 85
    • SQL Injection Example: Code - b 3 p 86
    • SQL Injection Example: Normal Input/Query - b 3 p 87
    • SQL Injection Example: Injected Input/Query - b 3 p 88
    • SQL Injection Example: Injected Input 2/Query 2 - b 3 p 89
    • ' or 1=1; -- - b 3 p 90
    • SQL Injection Example: ' or 1=1; -- Injected - b 3 p 91
    • SQLi Balancing Act - b 3 p 92
    • Quote Balancing - b 3 p 93
    • Balancing Column Numbers - b 3 p 94
    • Data Type Balancing - b 3 p 95


Discovering SQLi

  • Overview - b 3 p 96-117
    • Discovering SQL Injection - b 3 p 97
    • Input Locations - b 3 p 98
    • Classes of SQLi - b 3 p 99
    • In-Band/Inline SQLi - b 3 p 100
    • Blind SQL Injection - b 3 p 101
    • Varying Degrees of Blindness - b 3 p 102
    • Database Error Messages - b 3 p 103
    • DB Error Message Example - b 3 p 104
    • Learn from Your Mistakes - b 3 p 105
    • Custom Error Messages - b 3 p 106
    • Custom Error Message Example - b 3 p 107
    • Custom Errors and SQLi - b 3 p 108
    • Without DB Errors - b 3 p 109
    • Equivalent String Injections - b 3 p 110
    • Inject For Comment - b 3 p 111-112
    • Binary/Boolean Interface Injection - b 3 p 113
    • Increasing Blindness - b 3 p 114
    • Blind Timing Interfaces - b 3 p 115
    • Utter Blindness: Out-of-Band SQLi - b 3 p 116
    • Out-of-Band Channels - b 3 p 117


Exercise: Error-Based SQLi

  • Overview - b 3 p 118-127
    • Error-Based SQL Injection - b 3 p 119
    • Exercise: Setup 1 - b 3 p 120
    • Exercise: Setup 2 - b 3 p 121
    • Exercise: Choose Your Own Adventure - b 3 p 122
    • Exercise: Induce an Error Message - b 3 p 123
    • Exercise: Return All Rows Using Comment - b 3 p 124
    • Exercise: Return All Rows Without Comment - b 3 p 125
    • Exercise: Determine Number of Columns Using ORDER BY - b 3 p 126
    • Exercise: Current Query Disclosure - b 3 p 127


Exploiting SQLi

  • Overview - b 3 p 128-149
    • DB Fingerprinting - b 3 p 129
    • (Meta)Database Info - b 3 p 130
    • Databases/Tables/Columns - b 3 p 131
    • Exploiting In-Band/Inline - b 3 p 132
    • Stacked Queries - b 3 p 133
    • Stacked Query Example - b 3 p 134-135
    • Why Stacking Matters - b 3 p 136
    • UNIONizing SQL Injection - b 3 p 137
    • UNION Prerequisites - b 3 p 138
    • FROMless SELECT - b 3 p 139
    • The Power of NULL - b 3 p 140
    • UNION+NULL - b 3 p 141
    • Data Types - b 3 p 142
    • UNION and Data Exfiltration - b 3 p 143
    • Blind Data Exfiltration - b 3 p 144
    • Blind Boolean Inference Exfiltration - b 3 p 145
    • Beyond DB Data Exfiltration - b 3 p 146
    • SQLi Potential Attacks - b 3 p 147
    • SQLi -> Write File -> Shell - b 3 p 148
    • SQLi Cheat Sheets - b 3 p 149


SQLi Tools

  • Overview - b 3 p 150-166
    • SQLi Tools - b 3 p 151
    • BBQSQL - b 3 p 152
    • sqlmap - b 3 p 153
    • For All Your SQLi Needs - b 3 p 154
    • sqlmap Integrations - b 3 p 155
    • sqlmap: -h and -hh - b 3 p 156
    • sqlmap: Initial Targeting - b 3 p 157
    • sqlmap: Auth/Sessions/Proxies - b 3 p 158
    • sqlmap: Proxies and Active Sessions - b 3 p 159
    • sqlmap: Riding ZAP/Burp Sessions - b 3 p 160-161
    • sqlmap: HTTP Headers - b 3 p 162
    • sqlmap: DB Enumeration - b 3 p 163
    • sqlmap: DB Data Exfil - b 3 p 164
    • Key Switches: Beyond DB Data Exfil - b 3 p 165-166


Exercise: sqlmap + ZAP

  • Overview - b 3 p 167-182
    • sqlmap + ZAP - b 3 p 168
    • Exercise Setup 1 - b 3 p 169
    • Exercise Setup 2 - b 3 p 170
    • Exercise Setup 3 - b 3 p 171
    • Exercise: Your Challenge - b 3 p 172
    • Exercise: Verify SQL Flaw - b 3 p 173
    • Exercise: ZAP Cookie -> sqlmap - b 3 p 174
    • Exercise: sqlmap with --cookie(s) - b 3 p 175
    • Exercise: sqlmap SQLi Methods - b 3 p 176
    • Exercise: sqlmap User Agent - b 3 p 177
    • Exercise: Sensitive Table Entries - b 3 p 178
    • Exercise: zbeeblebrox uid - b 3 p 179
    • Exercise: DB Users and Passwords - b 3 p 180
    • Exercise: my_wiki Password Search - b 3 p 181
    • Bonus MSF Shell - b 3 p 182


542.4 JavaScript and XSS



  • Overview - b 4 p 4-15
    • Why JavaScript for Web App Pen Testers? - b 4 p 5
    • JavaScript - b 4 p 6
    • JavaScript Use in Web Pages - b 4 p 7
    • JavaScript Fundamentals - b 4 p 8
    • Conditional Statements - b 4 p 9
    • Control Statements - b 4 p 10
    • JavaScript Variables - b 4 p 11
    • Functions - b 4 p 12
    • Events - b 4 p 13
    • Using Events in Attacks: Ideas for Pen Testers - b 4 p 14
    • Using Events in Attacks: More Ideas for Pen Testers - b 4 p 15


Document Object Model (DOM)

  • Overview - b 4 p 16-22
    • Document Object Model (DOM) - b 4 p 17
    • DOM Nodes - b 4 p 18
    • JavaScript Object Methods and Properties - b 4 p 19
    • Objects and Their Associated Properties and Methods - b 4 p 20
    • Selecting and Changing Content - b 4 p 21
    • Interacting with Cookies - b 4 p 22


Exercise: JavaScript

  • Overview - b 4 p 23-31
    • JavaScript Exercise - b 4 p 24
    • Attack Usage - b 4 p 25
    • JavaScript Exercise: Setup - b 4 p 26
    • JavaScript: Add Script Blocks- b 4 p 27
    • JavaScript: Reference Separate File - b 4 p 28
    • JavaScript: Edit attack.js - b 4 p 29
    • JavaScript: Edit index.html - b 4 p 30
    • Reload index.html - b 4 p 31


Cross-Site Scripting

  • Overview - b 4 p 32-47
    • Cross-Site Scripting - b 4 p 33
    • Parts of an XSS Attack - b 4 p 34
    • Same Origin Policy - b 4 p 35
    • Why Same Origin Policy? - b 4 p 36
    • Enforcing the Same Origin Policy - b 4 p 37
    • Discovering XSS - b 4 p 38
    • XSS and Parameters - b 4 p 39
    • Filtering - b 4 p 40
    • Bypassing Filters - b 4 p 41
    • Types of XSS - b 4 p 42
    • Reflected XSS - b 4 p 43
    • Persistent XSS - b 4 p 44
    • DOM-Based XSS - b 4 p 45
    • DOM-Based XSS Explanation - b 4 p 46
    • Persistent (Admin) - b 4 p 47


Exercise: Reflective XSS

  • Overview - b 4 p 48-53
    • Reflective XSS Exercise - b 4 p 49
    • Reflective XSS: Test the Application - b 4 p 50
    • Reflective XSS: Test XSS Flaw - b 4 p 51
    • Reflective XSS: Exploit Code - b 4 p 52
    • Reflective XSS: Exploiting phpMyAdmin - b 4 p 53


XSS Tools

  • Overview - b 4 p 54-61
    • XSS Tools - b 4 p 55
    • Interception Proxies - b 4 p 56
    • xsssniper - b 4 p 57-58
    • XSSer - b 4 p 59-60
    • XSScrapy - b 4 p 61


XSS Fuzzing

  • Overview - b 4 p 62-74
    • XSS Fuzzing - b 4 p 63
    • Burp Intruder: Reflection Tests - b 4 p 64
    • Battering Ram - b 4 p 65
    • Grep: Payloads - b 4 p 66
    • Initial Reflection Test Results - b 4 p 67
    • Follow-Up Sniper Attack - b 4 p 68
    • Filter Tests - b 4 p 69
    • Filter Bypass/Evasion - b 4 p 70
    • Browser False Positives - b 4 p 71-72
    • Bypassing Browser Filters - b 4 p 73
    • XSS POC Payloads - b 4 p 74


Exercise: HTML Injection

  • Overview - b 4 p 75-95
    • OTG-CLIENT-003: Test for HTML Injection - b 4 p 76
    • HTML Injection Exercise - b 4 p 77
    • Exercise: Setup 1 - b 4 p 78
    • Exercise: Setup 2 - b 4 p 79
    • Exercise: Challenges - b 4 p 80
    • Exercise: Step 1 HTML Injection - b 4 p 81
    • So What? - b 4 p 82
    • Step 2: Image Injection - b 4 p 83
    • The Earth, Actual Size - b 4 p 84
    • Step 3: iframe Inject an Entire Web Page - b 4 p 85
    • Step 4: iframe Inject an Entire Web Page - b 4 p 86
    • Blog in the Blog - b 4 p 87
    • iframe Page Redirection - b 4 p 88
    • Please Log In! - b 4 p 89
    • Step 6: XSS b- b 4 p 90
    • Step 7: XSS to Display the Cookie - b 4 p 91
    • Step 8: Persistent Admin XSS- b 4 p 92
    • Step 9: Create an Unusual Log Entry - b 4 p 93
    • Step 10: Inject the Script - b 4 p 94
    • Step 11: View the Log - b 4 p 95


XSS Exploitation

  • Overview - b 4 p 96-105
    • GET -> POST XSS Flaws - b 4 p 97
    • Typical Exploits with XSS - b 4 p 98
    • Reading Cookies - b 4 p 99
    • Cookie Catcher - b 4 p 100
    • Redirecting a User - b 4 p 101
    • External Scripts - b 4 p 102
    • Evasion - b 4 p 103
    • Evasion Example - b 4 p 104-105



  • Overview - b 4 p 106-115
    • BeEf - b 4 p 107
    • BeEf Interface - b 4 p 108
    • Zombie Control - b 4 p 109
    • BeEf Functionality - b 4 p 110
    • History Browsing - b 4 p 111
    • Request Initiation - b 4 p 112
    • Port Scanning - b 4 p 113
    • Browser Exploitation - b 4 p 114
    • interprotocol Exploitation - b 4 p 115


Exercise: BeEf

  • Overview - b 4 p 116-128
    • BeEF Exercise - b 4 p 117
    • BeEF Exercise - b 4 p 118
    • Hook Chrome - b 4 p 119
    • View Hooked Browser Details - b 4 p 120
    • Widen That Browser! - b 4 p 121
    • Hooked Browser Commands - b 4 p 122
    • BeEf: Challenges - b 4 p 123
    • Alerts Dialogue - b 4 p 124
    • Prompt Dialogue - b 4 p 125
    • Redirect the Browser - b 4 p 126
    • Deface the Page - b 4 p 127
    • Hee Hee! - b 4 p 128



  • Overview - b 4 p 129-140
    • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) - b 4 p 130
    • The Mighty XMLHttpRequest - b 4 p 131
    • readyState - b 4 p 132
    • XMLHttpRequest Example - b 4 p 133
    • Mash-Ups - b 4 p 134
    • Same Origin - b 4 p 135
    • Mash-Up Proxy Features - b 4 p 136
    • Mash-Up Proxy Issues - b 4 p 137
    • AJAX Attack Surface - b 4 p 138
    • AJAX Mapping - b 4 p 139
    • AJAX Exploitation - b 4 p 140


API Attacks

  • Overview - b 4 p 141-146
    • JavaScript Libraries/Frameworks - b 4 p 142
    • Framework Files - b 4 p 143
    • Third-Party Frameworks - b 4 p 144
    • Discovering Frameworks - b 4 p 145
    • Exploiting Framework Flaws - b 4 p 146


Data Attacks

  • Overview - b 4 p 147-154
    • Data Attacks - b 4 p 148
    • Data Formats - b 4 p 149
    • JSON - b 4 p 150
    • JSON Format - b 4 p 151
    • Exploiting JSON - b 4 p 152
    • JSON Injection - b 4 p 154


Exercise: AJAX XSS

  • Overview - b 4 p 155-173
    • AJAX JSON XSS - b 4 p 156
    • AJAX Exercise Setup 1: Running Burp - b 4 p 157
    • AJAX Exercise: Setup 2 - b 4 p 158
    • AJAX Exercise: Setup 3 - b 4 p 159
    • AJAX Exercise: Setup 4 - b 4 p 160
    • AJAX Exercise: Setup 5 - b 4 p 161
    • AJAX Exercise: Setup 6 - b 4 p 162
    • AJAX Exercise Challenge - b 4 p 163
    • AJAX Exercise Hints - b 4 p 164
    • AJAX XSS Step 1 - b 4 p 165
    • AJAX XSS Step 2 - b 4 p 166
    • AJAX XSS Step 3 - b 4 p 167
    • AJAX XSS Step 4 - b 4 p 168
    • AJAX XSS Step 5 - b 4 p 169
    • AJAX XSS Step 6 - b 4 p 170
    • AJAX XSS Step 7 - b 4 p 171
    • AJAX XSS Step 8 - b 4 p 172
    • Final Step - b 4 p 173


542.5 CSRF, Logic Flaws and Advanced Tools


Cross-Site Request Forgery

  • Overview - b 5 p 5-13
    • OTG-SESS-005: Test for Cross-Site Request Forgery - b 5 p 6
    • Cross-Site Request Forgery - b 5 p 7
    • CSRF Attack Walk-Through - b 5 p 8
    • CSRF Walk-Through - b 5 p 9-10
    • Detecting CSRF - b 5 p 11
    • Attacking CSRF - b 5 p 12
    • ZAP + CSRF - b 5 p 13


Exercise: CSRF

  • Overview - b 5 p 14-25
    • CSRF Exploitation Exercise - b 5 p 15
    • CSRF Exploitation: Running ZAP - b 5 p 16
    • CSRF: Configure Firefox - b 5 p 17
    • Create an Anonymous Post - b 5 p 18
    • Anonymous Post Content - b 5 p 19
    • Inspect Post Variables - b 5 p 20
    • Create anti CSRF test Form - b 5 p 21
    • Copy Form and Log In - b 5 p 22
    • Fall for the CSRF Trap - b 5 p 23
    • View the CSRF Post - b 5 p 24
    • Final Step - b 5 p 25


Logic Attacks

  • Overview - b 5 p 26-29
    • Logic Attacks - b 5 p 27
    • Logic Attack Example - b 5 p 28
    • Discovering Logic Flaws - b 5 p 29


Exercise: Mobile MITM

  • Overview - b 5 p 30-45
    • Mobile MITM - b 5 p 31
    • MITM: The Players - b 5 p 32
    • Mobile MITM Exercise - b 5 p 33
    • Load the Base-AndroidLabs App - b 5 p 34
    • The App - b 5 p 35
    • Check Your Balences - b 5 p 36
    • Transfer Funds - b 5 p 37
    • View the Transfer in Burp - b 5 p 38
    • Your Challenge - b 5 p 39
    • Step-by-Step Instructions - b 5 p 40
    • Change the Transfer - b 5 p 41
    • Success! - b 5 p 42
    • The Bonus - b 5 p 43
    • The Power of Negative Thinking - b 5 p 44
    • One Miiiiilion Dollars - b 5 p 45


Python for Web App Pen Testers

  • Overview - b 5 p 46-57
    • Creating Custom Scripts for Penetration Testing - b 5 p 47
    • Why Python for Web App Pen Testers? - b 5 p 48
    • Python - b 5 p 49
    • Python Variables - b 5 p 50
    • Comments and Code Blocks - b 5 p 51
    • Python If Statement - b 5 p 52
    • Python Looping Structures - b 5 p 53
    • Python Functions - b 5 p 54
    • Python Standard Library - b 5 p 55
    • Making HTTP Requests within Python - b 5 p 56
    • Accessing Files in Python - b 5 p 57


Exercise: Python

  • Overview - b 5 p 58-64
    • Python Scripting Exercise - b 5 p 59
    • Python Scripting: Create the Script - b 5 p 60
    • Python Scripting: Add HTTP Request Functionality - b 5 p 61
    • Python Scripting: Print Various Header Values - b 5 p 62
    • Python Scripting: Iterate through Page IDs - b 5 p 63
    • Python Scripting: Write Results to a File - b 5 p 64



  • Overview - b 5 p 65-67
    • WPScan - b 5 p 66
    • WPScan Details - b 5 p 67


Exercise: WPScan

  • Overview - b 5 p 68-78
    • WPScan and Off-the-Shelf Exploits - b 5 p 69
    • Exercise: Challenge - b 5 p 70
    • Exercise: Run WPScan - b 5 p 71
    • Exercise: Off-the-Shelf Exploits - b 5 p 72
    • Exercise: Customize the Exploit - b 5 p 73
    • Exercise: Run the Exploit - b 5 p 74
    • Exercise: Crack the Password - b 5 p 75
    • Exercise: Log In with Cracked Creds - b 5 p 76
    • Exercise: Cookie Review - b 5 p 77
    • Exercise: sqlmap Shortcut - b 5 p 78



  • Overview - b 5 p 79-92
    • Web Application Attack and Audit Framework - b 5 p 80
    • The w3af GUI- b 5 p 81
    • The w3af Console - b 5 p 82
    • w3af Scripting - b 5 p 83
    • w3af Plugins - b 5 p 84
    • w3af Crawl Plugins - b 5 p 85
    • w3af Evasion Plugins - b 5 p 86
    • w3af Audit Plugins - b 5 p 87
    • w3af Grep Plugins - b 5 p 88
    • w3af Brute Force Plugins - b 5 p 89
    • Running w3af - b 5 p 90
    • w3af Results - b 5 p 91
    • w3af Exploitation - b 5 p 92


Exercise: w3af

  • Overview - b 5 p 93-100
    • w3af Exercise - b 5 p 94
    • w3af: Configure and Start the Scan - b 5 p 95
    • w3af Running Results - b 5 p 96
    • w3af Results -> URLs - b 5 p 97
    • w3af Results -> KB Browser - b 5 p 98
    • w3af os_commanding - b 5 p 99
    • w3af Use the Shell - b 5 p 100



  • Overview - b 5 p 101-116
    • Metasploit - b 5 p 102
    • Metasploit and Web Testing - b 5 p 103
    • Seeding Metasploit Database - b 5 p 104
    • db_import - b 5 p 105
    • WMAP - b 5 p 106
    • Metasploit Integration - b 5 p 107
    • BeEf + Metasploit - b 5 p 108-109
    • Sqlmap <-> Metasploit - b 5 p 110
    • Metasploit and Known Vulnerabilities - b 5 p 111
    • Drupal - b 5 p 112
    • Drupalgeddon - b 5 p 113-114
    • Drupalgeddon (Gory) Details - b 5 p 115
    • Metasploit + Drupalgeddon - b 5 p 116


Exercise: Metasploit

  • Overview - b 5 p 117-125
    • Exercise: Metasploit/Drupalgeddon/Shellshock - b 5 p 118
    • Your Challenge: Three Levels of Difficulty - b 5 p 119
    • Metasploit/Drupalgeddon Step-by-Step - b 5 p 120
    • Type php meterpreter Commands - b 5 p 121
    • Next up: Shellshock - b 5 p 122
    • Metasploit/Shellshock Step-by-Step - b 5 p 123
    • View the Exploit in Burp - b 5 p 124
    • What Is Metasploit Doing? - b 5 p 125


When Tools Fail

  • Overview - b 5 p 126-132
    • When Tools Fail - b 5 p 127
    • Taking It to the Next Level - b 5 p 128
    • CVE 2014-1610 - b 5 p 129
    • Research the Flaw - b 5 p 130
    • The Exploit - b 5 p 131
    • Back to Metasploit - b 5 p 132


Exercise: When Tools Fail

  • Overview - b 5 p 133-144
    • Revisiting cust42.sec542.com - b 5 p 134
    • Metasploit - b 5 p 135-136
    • Unhappy pwning!! - b 5 p 137
    • What Happened? - b 5 p 138
    • Log in to the Site - b 5 p 139
    • Upload a PDF - b 5 p 140
    • Next: Manualy Exploit the Vulnerability - b 5 p 141
    • Submit the URL - b 5 p 142
    • Happy pwning!! - b 5 p 143
    • Back to Metasploit - b 5 p 144


Web App Pen Testing Methods

  • Overview - b 5 p 145-152
    • Black Box Penetration Testing - b 5 p 146
    • White Box Penetration Testing - b 5 p 147
    • Grey Box Penetration Testing - b 5 p 148
    • Testing Methods: Manual vs. Automated Testing - b 5 p 149
    • Manual Web App Penetration Testing - b 5 p 150
    • Automated Web App Penetration Testing - b 5 p 151
    • Hybrid Web App Penetration Testing - b 5 p 152


Web App Pen Test Preparation

  • Overview - b 5 p 153-161
    • Web App Pen Test Preparation - b 5 p 154
    • Managing a Web App Penetration Test - b 5 p 155
    • Establishing the Test Scope - b 5 p 156
    • Gathering Information Required for the Test - b 5 p 157
    • Rules of Engagement - b 5 p 158
    • Identifying Tester Traffic and Data in the Application - b 5 p 159
    • Testing Time Windows - b 5 p 160
    • Communications Planning - b 5 p 161


Reporting and Presenting

  • Overview - b 5 p 162-170
    • Reporting - b 5 p 163
    • Report Pieces - b 5 p 164
        1. Executive Summary - b 5 p 165
        1. Introduction - b 5 p 166
        1. Methodology - b 5 p 167
        1. Findings - b 5 p 168
        1. Conclusions - b 5 p 169
        1. Presentation - b 5 p 170


See the Appendix, Cheatsheets, Glossary, Index or Outline.