Deliverable 3 - jjgomezv2/InvenTech-Analytics GitHub Wiki

Deliverable 3: MVP

1. Architecture & Data

1.1. Deployment Diagram

Deployment Diagram_ Inventech Analytics_Actualizado

We made some changes in this diagram, so it matches with the updated component diagram and data model.

1.2. Component Diagram


We changed our design tool for making this updated diagram. We made some changes in component names so they match with the apps in our code (for example, we had to change Statistics for Analytics because it was a Django's reserved keyword). Also, we updated our interfaces names to match with the views' functions in the code.

1.3. Data Model


We updated the attributes in the different tables on our data models, so they include new attributes we needed in our development. Note: In the code we have used the User provided by Django, adding some attributes to it in our UserProfile model, that's why we have a foreign key in the code of UserProfile with the User of Django; we didn't add it to the model because it's internal from Django (just included the attributes we are sure of: username and password).

Data dictionary:

  1. Company
  • idCompany: Unique identifier for the company.
  • company_name: Name of the company.
  • company_address: Physical address of the company.
  • company_phone: Contact phone number of the company.
  1. UserProfile
  • idUser: Unique identifier for the user.
  • user_name: User's first name.
  • user_lastname: User's last name.
  • user_email: User's email address.
  • user_phone: User's contact phone number.
  • user_role: Role of the user in the system (e.g., admin, employee).
  • user_username: Username for the user.
  • user_password: User's password for authentication.
  • Company_idCompany: Foreign key linking to the "Company" table, indicating which company the user belongs to.
  1. Product
  • product_id: Unique identifier for the product.
  • product_name: Name of the product.
  • product_category: Category the product belongs to.
  • product_price: Price of the product.
  • product_stock: Quantity of product available in inventory.
  • product_description: Description of the product.
  • product_image: Image of the product.
  • product_assigned_suggestions: Suggestions or feedback associated with the product.
  • product_sales: Number of sales for the product.
  • product_expiration_count: Number of units of the product that have expired.
  • Supplier_idSupplier: Foreign key linking to the "Supplier" table, indicating the supplier of the product.
  • Company_idCompany: Foreign key linking to the "Company" table, indicating the company to which the product belongs.
  1. Supplier
  • idSupplier: Unique identifier for the supplier.
  • supplier_name: Name of the supplier.
  • supplier_phone: Contact phone number of the supplier.
  1. ProductUnit
  • idProductUnit: Unique identifier for the product unit.
  • expirationdate: Expiration date of the product unit.
  • location: Location of the product unit.
  • qualitystate: Quality status of the product unit.
  • Product_product_id: Foreign key linking to the "Product" table, indicating which product this unit belongs to.
  1. Shipment
  • idShipment: Unique identifier for the shipment.
  • shipment_date: Date of the shipment.
  • shipment_address: Address where the shipment will be delivered.
  • shipment_customer_name: Name of the customer receiving the shipment.
  • shipment_customer_lastname: Last name of the customer receiving the shipment.
  • shipment_customer_phone: Contact phone number of the customer.
  • shipment_customer_id: Unique identifier for the customer.
  • shipment_units_quantity: Number of units included in the shipment.
  • ShippingCompany_idShippingCompany: Foreign key linking to the "ShippingCompany" table, indicating the shipping company handling the shipment.
  1. ProductUnits_per_shipment
  • Shipment_idShipment: Foreign key linking to the "Shipment" table, indicating which shipment this product unit is part of.
  • ProductUnit_idProductUnit: Foreign key linking to the "ProductUnit" table, indicating which product unit is associated with the shipment.
  1. ShippingCompany
  • idShippingCompany: Unique identifier for the shipping company.
  • shipComp_name: Name of the shipping company.
  • shipComp_phone: Contact phone number of the shipping company.
  • shipComp_website: Website of the shipping company.

2. Corporate Image

NOTE: The logo was vectorized so its quality could improve; that's why it appears with a black background, but in the product it appears with the official background color (#0F2030)


Full logo:




Color Palette

We created our color palette using adobe color wheel, resulting as shown below


According to this, we have selected two main complementary colors for our product's interfaces: #OF2030 as main color and #DBCCB4 as background color. But keeping a white background for the app in general.

Product's Slogan

"Smart Solutions for a Smarter Inventory"

Product's interfaces

Landing Page image

LogIn image

Home image


SignUp image

Shipment Register (Forms Interfaces Example) image

3. Repository

In the code section of this repository, you can find the source code of the application, detailed commits made during development and a readme with instructions for using the application.

4. Video

Link of the video:

Evidence of user testing: