dependencies - jimmytwei/oneAPI-samples GitHub Wiki


This attribute is recognized by all sample browsers.

The "dependencies" array specifies which tools or "components" are needed to build and run a sample. The names of the dependent components must match exactly their installed directory names (e.g. "mkl", "tbb", "vtune", etc.).

A test is performed by the sample browsers to determine if the required dependencies have been installed and are available on a user's development system. If one or more dependencies are found to be missing, an appropriate warning is presented to the user when they are viewing and/or creating a sample project based on the sample.

NOTE: Lack of a dependency does not prevent a project from being created, it simply serves as a way to let the user know that the new sample project may fail to build or run correctly unless they resolve the missing dependencies.

As of the 2021.2 oneAPI release, the complete set of oneAPI product toolkits included the following component folders (based on a full Linux install):

ospray_studio tensorflow advisor pytorch oidn
intel-eclipse-ide debugger ccl clck ipp
system_debugger intelpython itac mkl dnnl
conda_channel rkcommon openvkl tbb ippcp
dev-utilities inspector ospray dal vpl
eclipse-iot-plugins compiler vtune mpi iLiT
rkutil dpcpp-ct embree modelzoo dpl

If a component folder name changes (either in case or spelling) it must be updated inside any sample.json files that references it. The sample browsers do not attempt to perform an approximate match. Thus, an incorrectly spelled dependency in a "dependencies" list will always appear as a missing dependency for the sample associated with that sample.json file.

pkg| (Linux only)

On Linux, external dependencies can be managed using package config (pkg-config). Normally, an entry in the "dependencies" array is simply mapped to a oneAPI component directory. However, if it is preceded with pkg| then it means the sample browser will check for the named package.

The full syntax is:


where the <url> will be passed to the user in the event the package is not found. The <url> is optional (though highly recommended).




The compiler| dependency can be used to name a specific Intel compiler dependency from the following list:

  • dpcpp
  • dpcpp-cl (Windows only, use dpcpp instead)
  • icx
  • icpx
  • icc
  • icpc
  • ifx
  • ifort

For example, if a sample specifically depends on icpc for compilation, the sample.json file can specify that this Intel compiler is required by way of the compiler|icpc dependency declaration, as part of the "dependencies" array.

Normally, an entry in the "dependencies" array is mapped directly to a oneAPI component folder name. But the compiler component must be handled differently because multiple "sub-components" (compilers) are embedded inside the compiler component's folder.

NOTE: The dpcpp-cl compiler is unique to Windows. For the purposes of specifying a dependency on the dpcpp-cl compiler, use dpcpp. This will minimize alert notifications across multiple OSes. This attribute does not specify which compiler is used to compile your sample! Your build files (VS proj, CMakeLists.txt or Makefile) control which compiler is used. This feature is only used to alert user's if the compiler is present.

The full syntax is:




NOTE: See also the "toolchain" section of this document.

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