Reviewers and Domain Experts - jimmytwei/oneAPI-samples GitHub Wiki
This is a list of reviewers that should be added to the pull request related to a certain type of sample and domain. This is organized as the directory layout of the repository.
Type | Domain | Experts, and Reviewers |
PM | - | Vadim Sherman (interim) |
Readme | Documentation | Tom Lenth @tomlenth |
Direct Programming | DPC++ | Paul Petersen @pmpeter1, Ben Odom @bjodom, Moushumi Maria @moushumi-maria |
Direct Programming | Jupyter | Ben Odom @bjodom, Praveen Kundurthy @praveenkk123 |
Direct Programming | C++ | Paul Peterson @pmpeter1 |
Direct Programming | Fortran | Paul Petersen @pmpeter1 |
Direct Programming | DPC++FPGA | Yohann Uguen @yuguen-intel |
Tools | Advisor | James Tullos @jtullos-intel, Kevin O'Leary |
Tools | ApplicationDebugger | Natalia Saiapova @nsaiapova |
Tools | IoTConnectionTools | Mihai Tudor @propanu |
Tools | VTuneProfiler | James Tullos @jtullos-intel, Kevin O'Leary |
Libraries | oneCCL, oneDNN, oneDAL, oneDPL, oneTBB | Jane Zhang |
Libraries | oneMKL | Peter Caday @petercad |
Libraries | MPI | James Tullos @jtullos-intel |
Libraries | oneVPL | Marc Valle @mav-intel |
Frameworks | Pytorch, TensorFlow | Preethi Venkatesh @Preethivenkatesh |
Publications | Data Parallel C++: Mastering DPC++ for Programming of Heterogeneous Systems using C++ and SYCL | James Reinders @jamesreinders |