Required folder structure - jimmytwei/oneAPI-samples GitHub Wiki

Code Sample Folder and file Names Guidelines

  • Names should be short and meaningful, do not excessively abbreviate
  • Names should be written in Camel case - Example: /DirectProgramming/DPC++/CombinationalLogic/
    • Spaces and underscores not allowed
    • Hyphens use only when part of a name - Example: N-Body
  • Readme file letter casing should be
  • License file letter casing should be License.txt

Directory Layouts

Sample repositories can only accept samples matching one of the following directory layouts:

  • Flat repository - Generally used format, especially for segment samples and reference implementations, or samples that will only support a single language.
  • Language folders - Individual language folders may contain the sample code sources when making the same sample available under multiple programming languages. This replaces the src directory with one of the following c|cpp|python. Supported languages are defined under sample.json (a) or as individual language.json files (b).

File Structure

In both cases, additional directories and files can be added at the developer's discretion and they will be delivered with the sample. You should not include large binary or media files with the sample, instruct the users to download these from a separate host instead. Mention this along with any other HW or SW prerequisites for running the sample in the readme file.