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# Mandelbrot
Optimized for | Description |
OS | Linux* Ubuntu* 18.04; Windows 10 |
Hardware | Skylake with GEN9 or newer |
Software | Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler |
What you will learn | |
Time to complete | xx minutes |
Example: The code will attempt to execute on an available GPU and fall back to the system's CPU if a compatible GPU is not detected. The compilation device is displayed in the output along with elapsed time to render the Mandelbrot image. This helps compare different offload implementations based on the complexity of the computation.
Key Implementation Details
Example: The basic DPC++ implementation explained in the code includes device selector, buffer, accessor, kernel, and command groups.
Code samples are licensed under the MIT license. See License.txt for details.
Third-party program Licenses can be found here: third-party-programs.txt
InsertSampleName Here
Program for CPU?, GPU? FPGA? or other?
Building the Note: if you have not already done so, set up your CLI environment by sourcing the setvars script located in the root of your oneAPI installation.
Linux Sudo: . /opt/intel/oneapi/
Linux User: . ~/intel/oneapi/
Windows: C:\Program Files(x86)\Intel\oneAPI\setvars.bat
Include Files
The include folder is located at %ONEAPI_ROOT%\dev-utilities\latest\include on your development system.
Running Samples In DevCloud
On a Linux* System
Perform the following steps:
- Build the program using the following
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
- Run the program (default uses buffers):
make run
Note: for USM use
make run_usm
- Clean the program using:
make clean
On a Windows* System Using Visual Studio* Version 2017 or Newer
Build the program using VS2017 or VS2019
- Right-click on the solution file and open using either VS2017 or VS2019 IDE.
- Right-click on the project in Solution Explorer and select Rebuild.
- From the top menu, select Debug -> Start without Debugging.
Build the program using MSBuild
- Open "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2017" or "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2019"
- Run the following command:
MSBuild mandelbrot.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration="Release"
Running the Sample
Application Parameters
You can modify the Mandelbrot parameters from within mandel.hpp. The configurable parameters include: row_size = col_size = max_iterations = repetitions = The default row and column size are 512. Max interatins and repetitions are both 100. By adjusting the parameters, you can observe how the performance varies using the different offload techniques.
Note: If the values drop below 128 for row and column, the output is limited to just text in the output window.
Example of Output
Platform Name: Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
Platform Version: OpenCL 2.1
Device Name: Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO
Max Work Group: 256
Max Compute Units: 24
Parallel Mandelbrot set using buffers.
Rendered image output to file: mandelbrot.png (output too large to display in text)
Serial time: 0.0430331s
Parallel time: 0.00224131s
Successfully computed Mandelbrot set.