_SKU_ROB0080_六足机器人套件 - jimaobian/DFRobotWikiCn GitHub Wiki

STEP 1:安装蜘蛛

这篇教程将教你怎么做个大蜘蛛,通过代码来控制蜘蛛的腿脚灵活运动。 第一步,安装蜘蛛。具体可参看蜘蛛详细安装教程

STEP 2: 设置舵机ID号



按下图将舵机连接到控制器上,舵机驱动板接上电源。 Connect_DRI0016-CDS-PC_3.png



 *  created:    lisper
 *  by:     2013-09-10
 *  description:    test the digitalservo shield with cds556 servo

#include "cds55.h"

#define CMD_SIZE 32
#define CMDP_SIZE 8
char cmd_buf[CMD_SIZE]; //buf from serial
char *cmdp_buf[CMD_SIZE];   //build from cmd_buf, easy to get argument by index

void setup (void) {
    Serial.begin(9600); // 开始串口通讯
    Serial1.begin(1000000); // 开始串口通讯

uint8_t readBuf[10];
void loop (void) {
        int readLeng = serialRead (Serial1, readBuf, 10, 4);
        if (readLeng > 0) {
                for (int i=0; i<readLeng; i++) {
                        Serial.print (readBuf[i], HEX);
                        Serial.print (" ");
                Serial.println ();
    if (serialRead (Serial, (uint8_t *)cmd_buf, CMD_SIZE, 4)) { //read serial data to cmd_buf
        int leng = split (cmdp_buf, cmd_buf, CMDP_SIZE);    //build cmdp_buf by cmd_buf

        char command = cmdp_buf[0][0];  //get command
        uint8_t id = atoi (cmdp_buf[1]); //get id
        uint16_t value = atoi (cmdp_buf[2]);    //get a argument

        Serial.print ("command = ");    // display command
        Serial.print (command);         //
        Serial.print ("  id = ");       //
        Serial.print (id);              //
        Serial.print ("  value = ");    //
        Serial.println (value);         //

        switch (command) {
            case 'p':       //move to value (0~300)
                cds55_pos (id, value);
            case 'r':       //reset servo
                cds55_reset (id);
            case 'l':       //open or close led by 1 or 0
                cds55_led (id, value);
            case 't':       //enable or disable torque by 1 or 0
                cds55_torque (id, value);
            case 'i':       //change id to newid by value
                cds55_setID (id, value);
            case 'v':       //change move velocity
                cds55_velocity (id, value);
                Serial.println ("error! no this command!");

int split (char **cmdstr, char *str, int leng) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; *str && i<leng-1; i++) {
        while (isspace (*str))
        if (*str == '\0')
        cmdstr[i] = str;
        while (isgraph (*str))
    cmdstr[i] = '\0';
    return i;

//call like : serialRead (Serial1, buffer, 12, 5)
uint8_t serialRead (HardwareSerial the_serial,
        uint8_t *buf, uint8_t leng, uint8_t timeout) {
    int sub;
    if (the_serial.available ()) {
        for (sub=0; sub<leng; sub++) {
            uint32_t start_time = millis ();
            while (!the_serial.available ()) {
                if (millis () - start_time > timeout)
                    return sub;
            buf[sub] = the_serial.read ();
        return sub;
    return 0;




switch (command) {
    case 'p':       //move to value (0~300)
            cds55_pos (id, value);
    case 'r':       //reset servo
                cds55_reset (id);
    case 'l':       //open or close led by 1 or 0
        cds55_led (id, value);
    case 't':       //enable or disable torque by 1 or 0
        cds55_torque (id, value);
    case 'i':       //change id to newid by value
        cds55_setID (id, value);
    case 'v':       //change move velocity
        cds55_velocity (id, value);
    Serial.println ("error! no this command!");


举例: CDS55数字舵机出厂ID号默认都是1,将舵机的ID号由1改为2。

打开串口监视器,波特率设置为9600,输入i 1 2,会有对应的返回数据。 "i": cds55_setID函数对应的command "1": cds55_setID函数的参数id "2": cds55_setID函数的参数value



如何验证是否设置成功? 可以使用cds55_led (id, value)函数,继续串口发送l 2 1

如果舵机ID号设置成功的话,舵机的LED会被打开,这条指令是设置2号舵机开灯。 "l": cds55_led函数对应的command "2": cds55_led函数的参数id "1": cds55_led函数的参数value


如果你已经学会如何设置了话,那就按照下表,每个位置对应的舵机,分别设置ID号。 左边前腿(前,中,后): 0, 1, 2 左边中腿(前,中,后):10, 11, 12 左边后腿(前,中,后): 20, 21, 22

右边前腿(前,中,后): 30, 31, 32 右边中腿(前,中,后):40, 41, 42 右边后腿(前,中,后): 50, 51, 52


1.`` ``cds55_pos`` ``(id,`` ``value)

功能: 设置舵机角度 id: 舵机ID号 value :角度值0~300

例如:让1号舵机运行到150° cds55_pos(1,150);

2.`` ``cds55_reset`` ``(id)

功能:重置舵机 id:舵机ID号

3.`` ``cds55_led`` ``(id,`` ``value)

功能: 打开舵机LED id: 舵机ID号 value :0或者1 例如:打开1号舵机LED cds55_led (1,1);

4.`` ``cds55_torque(id,`` ``value)

功能:是否打开锁定角度 id: 舵机ID号 value :0或者1

5.`` ``cds55_setID`` ``(id,`` ``value)

功能: 重置舵机ID号 id: 舵机原ID号 value: 舵机新ID号

6.`` ``cds55_velocity`` ``(id,`` ``value)

功能:改变舵机转动速度 id: 舵机ID号 value:速度值

STEP 3:硬件连接

如果前面舵机的ID号都设置好的话,可以继续往下走了,按下图进行整机连线。 ROB0080_Hexapod.png

STEP 4:下载代码

下载代码前,需先加载库,点击下载库Hexapod。如何加载库,可戳此处。建议使用Arduino 1.0及之前的版本下载,点击下载

#include <CDS5500_2Serials.h>
#include <Hexapod_Servo.h>
#include <ServoConsole.h>

// Below are the ID arrays of servos. You must set the IDs of the servo according
//to the documents :
//IDs of the servos of the left front leg: 0, 1, 2 (inner, middle, outer)
//IDs of the servos of the left middle leg: 10, 11, 12(inner, middle, outer)
//IDs of the servos of the left back leg: 20, 21, 22 (inner, middle, outer)
//IDs of the servos of the right back leg: 30, 31, 32(inner, middle, outer)
//IDs of the servos of the right middle leg: 40, 41, 42 (inner, middle, outer)
//IDs of the servos of the right front leg: 50, 51, 52(inner, middle, outer)
int axisA[] = {0, 20, 40};
int axisB[] = {10, 30, 50};
int hipA[] = {1, 21, 41};
int hipB[] = {11, 31, 51};
int legA[] = {2, 22, 32};
int legB[] = {12, 32, 52};
int axis[] = {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
int hips[] = {1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51};
int legs[] = {2, 12, 22, 32 ,42, 52};
// servo controller
ServoConsole console;

void setup(){
  Serial.begin(115200); //For printing out data, or debugging.
  Serial2.begin(1000000); // Used for control servos on left side.
  Serial1.begin(1000000);// Used for control servos on right side.

void loop(){
   console.Move(legs, 6, 170, 511); //Legs move to 170 for standing up
   console.Move(hips,6, 480, 511); // hips move to 480 for standing up
   console.Move(axisA, 3, 130, 511); // axis group A move to 130. Prepare for walking
   console.Move(axisB, 3, 70, 511); // axis group B move 70. Prepare for walking
   delay(1000); // waits for their moving

     //walking loop

void walk(){
  console.MoveUp(hipB, 3, 100, 500); //hips group B move up 100
  console.MoveUp(axisB, 3, 60, 300);// axis group B move forward 60
  console.MoveDown(axisA, 3, 60, 300);// axis group A move backward 60
  delay(500);// waits for movement
  console.MoveDown(hipB, 3, 100, 500);//hips group B move down 100
  delay(500);// waits for movement
  console.MoveUp(hipA, 3, 100, 500);//hips group A move up 100
  console.MoveDown(axisB, 3, 60, 300);// axis group B move backward 60
  console.MoveUp(axisA, 3, 60, 300);// axis group A move forward 60
  delay(500);// waits for movement
  console.MoveDown(hipA,3, 100, 500);//hips group A move down 100


1. CDS5500_2Serials 该库是用来直接控制舵机角度。这个版本是专为六足机器人设计的,因为需要用到两个串口,所以用到2块舵机驱动板驱动18个舵机。

2.Hexapod_Servo 该库主要用来存储所有信息,包括IDs,转动的极限值,及最后转动的位置。

3.ServoConsole 该库从Hexapod Servo中调用函数来控制舵机。库含三个函数:Move,Moveup,MoveDown。