_SKU_FIT0612_FIT0613__RGB_LED_彩色灯带_2米_带3M背胶 黑_白_ - jimaobian/DFRobotWikiCn GitHub Wiki

RGB LED 彩色灯带 2米(带3M背胶-黑/白)


我们新推出一款由一系列的全彩LED组成的灯带。仅需一根管脚即可控制所有LED,每一颗LED都是一个独立的像素点,每个像素点都是由R,G,B三基色颜色组成,可实现256级亮度显示,完成16777216种颜色的全真色彩显示,同时像素点内部包含了智能数字接口数据锁存信号整形放大驱动电路,还内置信号整形电路,有效保证了像素点光的颜色高度一致。 本款产品显示色彩纯正,柔性较大,可随意对接,弯曲,裁剪,且背面配有3M粘性胶带,可任意固定在凹凸表面,可在窄小的空间里面安装;通上电源,房间就能被色彩斑斓的灯光所充盈。可以用在节日或者特殊的日子中,各种宴会活动现场,酷炫书包,DIY智能灯光小车等。


  • 输入电压: 5V
  • 功耗:0.2W/颗
  • 尺寸(长度): 2米
  • 尺寸(宽度): 10毫米
  • 光束角:120°
  • 灯珠数量:60颗/米


| | | | ---------------------------------------------------- | | | Lighting string | |

标号 名称 功能描述
1 +5V 电源+
2 GND 电源-
3 DIN 控制信号输入端
4 DO 控制信号输出端



本说明介绍的是灯带在Arduino UNO主控板控制下实现不同的变色,呼吸,闪烁等各种显示效果。

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  • 硬件
    • Arduino UNO x1
    • RGB LED 彩色灯带 2米(带3M背胶-黑/白) x1
    • 杜邦线 若干


Lighting string连线图




* Digital RGB LED Strip 120 LED-Black/White
* ****************************************************
*  Control an Light string on like a Breathing LED, repeatedly.

* @version  V1.0
* @date  2019-1-29
* All above must be included in any redistribution
* ****************************************************/
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

#define PIN 6     //The signal pin connected with Arduino
#define LED_COUNT 180 // the amount of the leds of your strip

// Create an instance of the Adafruit_NeoPixel class called "leds".
// That'll be what we refer to from here on...
Adafruit_NeoPixel leds = Adafruit_NeoPixel(LED_COUNT, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

void setup()
  leds.begin();  // Call this to start up the LED strip.
  clearLEDs();   // This function, defined below, turns all LEDs off...
  leds.show();   // ...but the LEDs don't actually update until you call this.

void loop()
    for (int i=0; i<LED_COUNT; i++)
    delay(10);  // Delay between rainbow slides

// Sets all LEDs to off, but DOES NOT update the display;
// call leds.show() to actually turn them off after this.
void clearLEDs()
  for (int i=0; i<LED_COUNT; i++)
    leds.setPixelColor(i, 0);

// Prints a rainbow on the ENTIRE LED strip.
//  The rainbow begins at a specified position.
void rainbow(byte startPosition)
  // Need to scale our rainbow. We want a variety of colors, even if there
  // are just 10 or so pixels.
  int rainbowScale = 192 / LED_COUNT;

  // Next we setup each pixel with the right color
  for (int i=0; i<LED_COUNT; i++)
    // There are 192 total colors we can get out of the rainbowOrder function.
    // It'll return a color between red->orange->green->...->violet for 0-191.
    leds.setPixelColor(i, rainbowOrder((rainbowScale * (i + startPosition)) % 192));
  // Finally, actually turn the LEDs on:

// Input a value 0 to 191 to get a color value.
// The colors are a transition red->yellow->green->aqua->blue->fuchsia->red...
//  Adapted from Wheel function in the Adafruit_NeoPixel library example sketch
uint32_t rainbowOrder(byte position)
  // 6 total zones of color change:
  if (position < 31)  // Red -> Yellow (Red = FF, blue = 0, green goes 00-FF)
    return leds.Color(0xFF, position * 8, 0);
  else if (position < 63)  // Yellow -> Green (Green = FF, blue = 0, red goes FF->00)
    position -= 31;
    return leds.Color(0xFF - position * 8, 0xFF, 0);
  else if (position < 95)  // Green->Aqua (Green = FF, red = 0, blue goes 00->FF)
    position -= 63;
    return leds.Color(0, 0xFF, position * 8);
  else if (position < 127)  // Aqua->Blue (Blue = FF, red = 0, green goes FF->00)
    position -= 95;
    return leds.Color(0, 0xFF - position * 8, 0xFF);
  else if (position < 159)  // Blue->Fuchsia (Blue = FF, green = 0, red goes 00->FF)
    position -= 127;
    return leds.Color(position * 8, 0, 0xFF);
  else  //160 <position< 191   Fuchsia->Red (Red = FF, green = 0, blue goes FF->00)
    position -= 159;
    return leds.Color(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF - position * 8);



程序烧录后 灯带出现呼吸灯效果


1、下载及安装软件。下载地址:http://www.mindplus.cc 详细教程:Mind+基础wiki教程-软件下载安装 2、切换到“上传模式”。 详细教程:Mind+基础wiki教程-上传模式编程流程 3、“扩展”中选择“主控板”中的“Arduino Uno”,选择“显示器”中的“ws2812灯带”。 详细教程:Mind+基础wiki教程-加载扩展库流程 4、进行编程,程序如下图: 5、菜单“连接设备”,“上传到设备”



点击查看 灯带详细用法说明 |




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