_SKU_DFR0627_IIC_to_dual_UART_module - jimaobian/DFRobotWikiCn GitHub Wiki
Arduino、树莓派、micro:bit等主板往往只有1-2个UART串口,而且有一个串口会作为程序下载或调试用,如果项目中需要连接多个UART设备,主板将难以连接。对于Arduino主板,我们往往通过IO口虚拟串口,但是虚拟串口将会打乱其他程序的执行,例如时序有严格要求的红外接收模块、WS2818单总线RGB灯。而我们的IIC to dual UART module IIC转双串口模块很好地解决了这个问题,该模块将主板的IIC接口转换为两个串口,可以连接两个串口设备,如果不够,你还可以级联多个IIC转双串口模块。 IIC to dual UART module IIC最高速率为1Mbps,每个子串口具备收/发独立的256字节FIFO硬件缓存,串口的波特率,字长,校验格式可独立设置,最高提供2M bps的通信速率,支持4个IIC地址,一块主控上最多并联4个模块,一次最多扩展8个硬串口。
- 工作电压:3.3~5V
- 工作电流:<3mA
- 通信接口:Gravity-IIC 4Pin
- IIC地址:传输协议规定,见使用教程
- 扩展串口数量:2个
- 尺寸:32.5mmx27mm
- 安装孔尺寸:20mm
- 工作温度:-40℃~85℃
''' 丝印 ''' | ''' 功能描述 ''' |
D | IIC数据SDA |
C | IIC时钟SCL |
- | 电源负极 |
+ | 电源正极 |
T | 串口发送端 |
R | 串口接受收端 |
位 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
值 | IA1 | IA0 | 1 | 0 | C1 | C0 | 0/1 |
第6位:IA1的值对应IIC转双串口模块上拨码开关A1的值; 第5位:IA0的值对应IIC转双串口模块上拨码开关A0的值;
拨码开关与IA1和IA0的对应关系表 | |||
拨码开关 | IA1和IA0 | ||
A1 | A0 | IA1 | IA0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
第4位:固定位,值为1; 第3位:固定位,值为0; 第2/1位:C1C0代表子串口通道号,如00代表UART1,01代表UART2; 第0位:代表操作的对象是模块的寄存器还是FIFO,0代表寄存器,1代表FIFO
构造IIC转双串口对象时, 需要指定子串口号(UART1或UART2)以及IA1和IA0的值,构造函数如下所示:
DFRobot_IIC_Serial(TwoWire &wire = Wire, uint8_t subUartChannel = SUBUART_CHANNEL_1, uint8_t IA1 = 1, uint8_t IA0 = 1);
如果模块的拨码开关状态为A1(1), A2(0), 需在形参IA1和IA0的位置分别传递参数1和0;
- 构建对象,使用UART1,代码示例如下:
DFRobot_IIC_Serial iicSerial(Wire, SUBUART_CHANNEL_1, /*IA1=*/1, /*IA0=*/0);//构造对象UART1
- 构建对象,使用UART2,代码示例如下:
DFRobot_IIC_Serial iicSerial(Wire, SUBUART_CHANNEL_2, /*IA1=*/1, /*IA0=*/0);//构造对象UART2
IIC转双串口扩展出的UART同其他硬串口一样,也涉及到了波特率的设置,如将UART1的波特率设置为9600,UART2设置为115200, 示例代码如下所示:
iicSerial1.begin(9600); //UART1初始化,将波特率设置为9600
iicSerial2.begin(115200); //UART2初始化,将波特率设置为115200
''' 序号 ''' | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
波特率 | 2400 | 4800 | 57600 | 7200 | 9600 | 14400 | 19200 | 28800 |
波特率 | 38400 | 76800 | 115200 | 153600 | 230400 | 460800 | 307200 | 921600 |
注:由于波特率与晶振有关,晶振不能支持所有的波特率,故用户自定义波特率需要用户自己测试,是否可行。 |
- 1 x Arduino UNO控制板
- 1 x IIC to dual UART module
- Arduino IDE, 点击下载Arduino IDE
- 库和示例
注:在运行下例代码前,需检查模块的拨码开关是否都拨到“1”位置,如果不是需要将其拨至“1”位置,或在下例demo的构造函数中修改形参IA1和IA0位置处传入的值 |
* @file dataTxAndRx.ino
* @brief Receive and transmit data via UART. Read the data sent by TX pin via pin RX.
* @n Experiment phenomenon: connect the TX to RX in Sub UART1 and UART2. Read the data sent by Sub UART and print it out.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
* @licence The MIT License (MIT)
* @author [Arya]([email protected])
* @version V1.0
* @date 2019-07-28
* @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
* @url https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_IIC_Serial
#include <DFRobot_IIC_Serial.h>
/*DFRobot_IIC_Serial Constructor
*Parameter&wire Wire
*Parameter subUartChannel sub UART channel, for selecting to operate UART1 or UART2
*@n Available parameter:
*Parameter IA1 corresponds with IA1 Level(0 or 1) of DIP switch on the module, and is used for configuring
* @n the IIC address of the 6th bit value(default: 1).
*Parameter IA0 corresponds with IA0 Level(0 or 1) of DIP switch on the module, and is used for configuring
* @n IIC address of the 5th bit value(default: 1).
* IIC address configuration:
* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
* 0 IA1 IA0 1 0 C1 C0 0/1
*@n IIC address only has 7 bits, while there are 8 bits for one byte, so the extra one bit will be filled as 0.
*@n The 6th bit corresponds with IA1 Level of DIP switch, can be configured manually.
*@n The 5th bit corresponds with IA0 Level of DIP switch, can be configured manually.
*@n The 4th and 3rd bits are fixed, value 1 and 0 respectively
*@n The values of the 2nd and 1st bits are the sub UART channels, 00 for sub UART 1, 01 for sub UART 2.
*@n The 0 bit represents the operation object: 0 for register, 1 for FIFO cache.
DFRobot_IIC_Serial iicSerial1(Wire, /*subUartChannel =*/SUBUART_CHANNEL_1,/*IA1 = */1,/*IA0 = */1);//Construct UART1
//DFRobot_IIC_Serial iicSerial1;//Default constructor, UART1, IA1 = 1, IA0 = 1
DFRobot_IIC_Serial iicSerial2(Wire, /*subUartChannel =*/SUBUART_CHANNEL_2, /*IA1 = */1,/*IA0 = */1);//Construct UART2
uint8_t flag = 0;//A flag bit, judge whether to print the prompt information of UART1 and UART2.
//if it is 0, print "UART1 receive data: " or "UART2 receive data: "
void setup() {
/*begin Init function, set band rate according to the selected crystal frequency.
begin(long unsigned baud) Call the function, set sub UART band rate.
default setting->Band rate: baud, data format:IIC_SERIAL_8N1, 8 bits data, no check mode, 1 bit stop bit.
begin(long unsigned baud, uint8_t format)Use the function to set band rate and data format:
Parameter supported baud:2400, 4800, 57600, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400,
76800, 115200, 153600, 230400, 460800, 307200, 921600
Parameter available format:
8 represents the number of data bit, N for no parity, Z for 0 parity, O for Odd parity, E for Even parity,
F for 1 parity, 1 or 2 for the number of stop bit. Default IIC_SERIAL_8N1
iicSerial1.begin(/*baud = */115200);/*UART1 init*/
//iicSerial1.begin(/*baud = */115200, /*format = */IIC_SERIAL_8N1);
iicSerial2.begin(/*baud = */115200);/*UART2 init*/
Serial.println("| Connected UART1's TX pin to RX pin. |");//Connect pin TX and RX of UART1
Serial.println("| Connected UART2's TX pin to RX pin. |");//Connect pin TX and RX of UART2
Serial.println("| UART1 send a String: \"hello, Serial1!\" |");//UART1 transmit a string "hello, Serial1!"
Serial.println("| UART2 send a number: 123 |");//UART2 transmit numbers 123
iicSerial1.println("hello, Serial1!");//UART1 transmit string:"hello, Serial1!"
iicSerial2.write(123);//UART2 transmit:123
Serial.println("Serial to print UART1 and UART2's receive data.");//print the data received by UART1 and UART2
void loop() {
char c;
if(iicSerial1.available()){/*available return the number of byte in UART1 receive buffer, none- return 0*/
flag = 0;
if(flag == 0){
Serial.print("\nUART1 receive data: ");
flag = 1;
c = iicSerial1.read();/*Read data of UART1 receive buffer */
flag = 0;
if(flag == 0){
Serial.print("\nUART2 receive data: ");
flag = 1;
Serial.print(iicSerial2.read());/*Read and print the data of Sub UART2 receive buffer*/
* @file cmdAnalysis.ino
* @brief Analyze UART command, save and print (example: UART2, connect UART2's RX and TX together)
* @n Transmit a random string via UART: "ABCDEFASFGHJUAAAEEB"
* @n Receive the string, remove the char "A" of the string, and then print out the new string.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
* @licence The MIT License (MIT)
* @author [Arya]([email protected])
* @version V1.0
* @date 2019-07-28
* @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
* @url https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_IIC_Serial
#include <DFRobot_IIC_Serial.h>
/*DFRobot_IIC_Serial Constructor
*Parameter &wire Wire
*Parameter subUartChannel sub UART channel, for selecting to operate UART1 or UART2
*@n Available parameter:
*Parameter IA1 corresponds with IA1 Level(0 or 1) of DIP switch on the module, and is used for configuring
* @n the IIC address of the 6th bit value(default: 1).
*Parameter IA0 corresponds with IA0 Level(0 or 1) of DIP switch on the module, and is used for configuring
* @n IIC address of the 5th bit value(default: 1).
* IIC address configuration:
* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
* 0 IA1 IA0 1 0 C1 C0 0/1
*@n IIC address only has 7 bits, while there are 8 bits for one byte, so the extra one bit will be filled as 0.
*@n The 6th bit corresponds with IA1 Level of DIP switch, can be configured manually.
*@n The 5th bit corresponds with IA0 Level of DIP switch, can be configured manually.
*@n The 4th and 3rd bits are fixed, value 1 and 0 respectively
*@n The values of the 2nd and 1st bits are the sub UART channels, 00 for sub UART 1, 01 for sub UART 2.
*@n The 0 bit represents the operation object: 0 for register, 1 for FIFO cache.
DFRobot_IIC_Serial iicSerial2(Wire, /*subUartChannel =*/SUBUART_CHANNEL_2, /*IA1 = */1,/*IA0 = */1);//Construct Sub UART2
char rx_buffer[256];//Define a receive buffer to store the data received by UART2
void setup() {
/*begin Init function, set band rate according to the selected crystal frequency.
begin(long unsigned baud) Call the function, set sub UART band rate.
default setting->Band rate: baud, data format:IIC_SERIAL_8N1, 8 bits data, no check mode, 1 bit stop bit.
begin(long unsigned baud, uint8_t format) Use the function to set band rate and data format:
Parameter supported baud: 2400, 4800, 57600, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400,
76800, 115200, 153600, 230400, 460800, 307200, 921600
Parameter available format:
8 represents the number of data bit, N for no parity, Z for 0 parity, O for Odd parity, E for Even parity,
F for 1 parity, 1 or 2 for the number of stop bit. Default IIC_SERIAL_8N1
iicSerial2.begin(/*baud = */115200);/*UART2 init*/
//iicSerial2.begin(/*baud = */115200, /*format = */IIC_SERIAL_8N1);
Serial.println("| connected UART2's TX pin to RX pin. |");
Serial.println("| Analysis string and eliminate a char of a string. |");
Serial.println("| Original string: ABCDEFASFGHJUAAAEEB |");
Serial.println("| Eliminate char: A |");
Serial.println("| Original string: BCDEFSFGHJUEEB |");
Serial.println("| Print the parsed string. |");
Serial.println("Please Send to the string by UART2's TX.");
Serial.println("UART2 send a string: ABCDEFASFGHJUAAAEEB");
iicSerial2.println("ABCDEFASFGHJUAAAEEB");//UART2 transmit string "ABCDEFASFGHJUAAAEEB"
void loop() {
int n = iicSerial2.available();//Read the number of bytes in UART2
int i = 0;
if((char)iicSerial2.peek() != 'A'){//Use peek function to read the character without deleting the data in buffer.
rx_buffer[i++] = iicSerial2.read();//Use read function to read character and delete the data in buffer.
if((i > (sizeof(rx_buffer) - 1)))
iicSerial2.read();//Put read function here to remove a char "A" in buffer.
Serial.print("Parsed string: ");
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){
Q:插线,电源,示例都准备好了,为什么还是没有工作呢? A:先检查拨码开关是否都在位置‘1’处,若拨正后还不行则需要进行复位操作,将位置标有RST丝印处和负极连接,三秒后松开则可正常工作;或者断电重启程序也可。
| 更多问题及有趣的应用,可以 访问论坛 进行查阅或发帖。 |
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