Sumo_Robot_Kit_(SKU_unknow) - jimaobian/DFRobotWiki GitHub Wiki


This kit was designed for sumo robot game which was popular among geeks and students. The kit provides you a 2wd miniQ Robot chassis to be your soldier, two IR distance sensors, one 10cm switch sensor and two line Line tracking sensors for you to get the situation of your robot. And the Romeo V2-All in one Controller can be used for your code and motor driver. So you can easily start your opinion of sumo.


  • Obstacle avoidance robot not only sumo robot
  • Education robot for kids and also adults
  • A cool toy for children
  • Make it into other robot use these component

Shopping List

  • Romeo V2-All in one Controller x1
  • Sharp GP2Y0A21 Distance Sensor (10-80cm) x2
  • DFRobot 10cm Infrared Sensor w/Breakout Board x1
  • Line Tracking Sensor for Arduino x2
  • Sharp IR Sensor Mounting Bracket-GP2Y0A21/GP2Y0A02YK x2
  • 6xAA Battery Holder with DC2.1 Power Jack x1
  • Some screws and holders

Useful Links

  • Install Guide
  • Sample code
// # Editor    :Holiday from DFRobot
// # Data      :14.08.2013

// # Product name:Sumo Robot Kit
// # Product SKU:unknow
// # Version : unknow

// # Description:
// # This sample gives you a example of how to make your car toy into a sumo robot
// # The function "Forward(int x,int y)"may not fit your robot because of the difference of our circuits,
// # if so,you can change your code depend on the real action your motor dose
// # Connection:
// #       LEFT IR DISTANCE SENSOR -> A0 (Arduino)
// #       LEFT IR DISTANCE SENSOR -> A3 (Arduino)
// #       LEFT LINE TRACKING SENSOR -> 8 (Arduino)
// #       RIGHT LINE TRACKING SENSOR -> 9 (Arduino)
// #       10CM SWITCH SENSOR -> 10(Arduino)

#define LEFT_A  A0    //analog Left -->IR distance sensor in the left
#define RIGHT_A A3    //analog Right-->IR distance sensor in the right
#define MIDDLE 10    //10cm switch sensor in the middle ---> less than 10cm return 0
#define LEFT_D  8    //Line Tracking Sensor in the left ----> find white return 1
#define RIGHT_D 9    //Line Tracking Sensor in the right----> find white return 1
#define E1 5
#define E2 6
#define M1 4
#define M2 7
int Distance_L=0,Distance_R=0;
int Switch_L,Switch_M,Switch_R;

void setup()
  for (int i=4;i<8;i++)

void loop()
 switch (Get_state())
   case 0: {Turn_Left(200,200);Serial.println("L");}        break;
   case 1: {Turn_Right(200,200);Serial.println("R");}       break;
   case 2: {Turn_Forward(200,200);Serial.println("F");delay(20);}     break;
   case 3: {Turn_Forward(200,200);Serial.println("F");}     break;
   case 4: {Turn_Back(200,200);Serial.println("B");}        break;
   default :break;


int Get_state()
  int St=0;
  Switch_L  =digitalRead(LEFT_D);
  Switch_R  =digitalRead(RIGHT_D);
  Switch_M  =digitalRead(MIDDLE);
  if (Distance_L>300)  St=St+1;   //left found
  if (Distance_R>300)  St=St+2;   //
  if (Switch_L==1)  St=St+4;
  if (Switch_R==1)  St=St+8;
  if (Switch_M==0)  St=St+16;
//  Serial.println(St);
//  Serial.print( Distance_L);Serial.print("  ");
//  Serial.print( Distance_R);Serial.print("  ");
//  Serial.print(  Switch_L);Serial.print("  ");
//  Serial.print( Switch_R);Serial.print("  ");
//  Serial.println(  Switch_M);
 if (St==1 || St==8 || St==9 || St==10 || St==11)
 return 0;
 else if ( St==2 || St==4 || St==5 || St==6 || St==7 || St==20 || St==21|| St==22 || St==23)
 return 1;
 else if ( St==16 || St==17 || St==18 || St==19 || St==3 )
 return 2;
 else if(St==0)
 return 3;
 else return 4;


void Turn_Right(int x,int y)
  analogWrite (E1,x);      //PWM Speed Control
  analogWrite (E2,y);

void Turn_Left(int x,int y)
  analogWrite (E1,x);      //PWM Speed Control
  analogWrite (E2,y);

void Turn_Forward(int x,int y)
  analogWrite (E1,x);      //PWM Speed Control
  analogWrite (E2,y);

void Turn_Back(int x,int y)

Sumo Robot Rules From Dfrobot

  • Rule for Sumo Robot
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️