PB00005 DFRobot_I2C_protocol_V1.0 - jimaobian/DFRobotWiki GitHub Wiki


Define DFRobot's application protocol basing on I2C bus. There is a Arduino library to implement the protocol.

Identifier Definition

  • Master: the master device on the I2C bus
  • Slave: the slave device on the I2C bus

Arduino Library

Library link:DFRobot_I2C library and samples,the I2C subdirectory.

Use Library

  • Initial define

   unsigned char Buf[15];            //define buffer which used by URM07 object    DFI2CV10 URM07(Buf,sizeof(Buf));  //define URM07 object

  • Set parameter to Slave

   SSA = ?;      //slave address    RegAddr = ?;  //the first register address, you can write multiple continuous registers once    Number = N;   //the byte number of register space     Buf[0] = ?;   //set the value what you will write to the Register to the Buffer.    ...    Buf[N-1] = ?;

   URM07.Write(SSA,RegAddr,Number);  //Write to Slave

  • Get data from Slave

   SSA = ?;      //slave address    RegAddr = ?;  //the first register address, you can read multiple continuous registers once    Number = N;   //the byte number of register space         URM07.Read(SSA,RegAddr,Number);  //Read from Slave

   Data1 = Buf[0];   //Get data from Buffer    ...    DataN = Buf[N-1];