Nixie_Module_V2.0_For_Arduino_(SKU__DFR0206) - jimaobian/DFRobotWiki GitHub Wiki


The Nixie tube, a product from the last century witnessed the development of the electronic technology history. Its' unique display effects makes it an unforgettable design. The Nixie tube is extremely rare in the market.

This Nixie module for Arduino makes it prossible to drive the Nixie tube directly. This classic nixie tube combines a ceramic tube base, gold-plated PCB, and an RGB background LED. This module can be used in a variety of applications. It is an all-in-one design. Boosted circuit, driver, and plug sockets are integrated. Several modules can be plugged in serial for customized needs. This makes controlling nixie modules much easier, especially for Arduino, and other similar platforms. Users can focus on the presentation and application, no need to worry about the voltage management or connections.

center the voltage on board is over 170vdc when working. do NOT touch inside the crylic board if you do not know what you are doing.


  • System Power supply: 5v
  • Embeded RGB backlight
  • Gold-plated PCB
  • Acrylic shell
  • Driving chips: 74HC595 x2
  • Controlling interface: 4 wire spi communication
  • Size: 50x40x55mm
  • Weight: 85g

Connection Diagram

Nixi tube V2.0 Connection diagram

center NOTE: The jumper cable can only drive one module regularly. If you have more than 2 Nixie Modules, please use an adapter 5V on the module.

Sample Code

Please install the Nixie V2.0 Arduino library for Nixie Module.

// #
// # Date       : 24.01.2014

// # Product name: Nixie Module For Arduino
// # Product SKU : DFR0206
// # Version     : 1.1

// # Drive the Nixie module to change the number
// # Also control the backlight to show a colorful breathing effect
// #

#include "NixieTube.h"

NixieTube tube(11, 12, 13, 10, 1);  // NixieTube(DIN,ST,SH,OE,NUM)
    //  DIN(D11) - PIN1
    //  ST(D12)  - PIN2
    //  SH(D13)  - PIN3
    //  OE(D10)  - PIN4
    //  GND      - PIN5
    //  5v       - PIN6
    //  The pin number of the module is defined in the datasheet

void setup(){


unsigned long backgroundCtrl_Timer = 0;  // the timer for managing backlight
unsigned long numCtrl_Timer = 0;         // the timer for managing number displayed
  static int dispVal = 0;
  static boolean dir = true;
  static byte brightness = 0;
  static int colorNum = 0;    // the number of color in array of the library

void loop(){

 if(millis() - backgroundCtrl_Timer > 4){ // Manage the backlight controlling flash rate

    if(dir)  tube.setBrightness(++brightness);    // Set the brightness of the background
    else tube.setBrightness(--brightness);

    if(brightness > 250)  dir = false;
    else if(brightness < 5)  dir = true,colorNum++;

    if(colorNum > 6)  colorNum = 0;
    tube.setBackgroundColor((Color)colorNum); //set the background color. Call the element from the color array
    backgroundCtrl_Timer = millis();

  if(millis() - numCtrl_Timer > 1000){ // Manage the number controlling flash rate
    tube.setNumber((dispVal++)%10);        // set the number to display
    tube.display();                   // Show the number
    numCtrl_Timer = millis();



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