MD1.3_2A_Dual_Motor_Controller_(SKU__DRI0002) - jimaobian/DFRobotWiki GitHub Wiki


MD1.3 2A Dual Motor Controller (SKU: DRI0002)

This is a 4.8-46V, 2A Dual Motor Controller which is the revised version of the DF-MDV1.0. Its performance has been improved greatly. It can bear larger current due to the increased haetsink dissipation. It is easy to control, using LGS's outstanding high-power motor driver chip, the L298N. This chip allows for direct drive of two bi-directional DC motors, and incorporates high-speed short diodes for protection. Drive current up to 2A per motor output. The driver uses a broad-brush design to reduce wire resistance.


  • The logic part of the input voltage: 6 ~ 12V
  • Driven part of the input voltage Vs: 4.8 ~ 46V
  • The logical part of the work current Iss: 36mA
  • Drive part of the operating current Io: 2A
  • Maximum power dissipation: 25W (T = 75 degree Celsius)
  • Control signal input level:
  • High level: 2.3V = Vin = Vss
  • Low:-0.3V = Vin = 1.5V
  • Operating temperature: -25 degree Celsius ~ +130 degree Celsius
  • Drive Type: Dual high-power H-bridge driver
  • Module Size: 47 mm × 53mm
  • Module Weight: About 29g

Pin Out


Connection Diagram

600px NOTE: Ensure you have a ground wire running between Arduino GND and motor controller GND where battery power GND is connected.

Sample Code

// # Editor     : Lauren from DFRobot
// # Date       : 17.02.2012

// # Product name: L298N motor driver module DF-MD v1.3
// # Product SKU : DRI0002
// # Version     : 1.0

// # Description:
// # The sketch for using the motor driver L298N
// # Run with the PWM mode

// # Connection:
// #        M1 pin  -> Digital pin 4
// #        E1 pin  -> Digital pin 5
// #        M2 pin  -> Digital pin 7
// #        E2 pin  -> Digital pin 6
// #        Motor Power Supply -> Centor blue screw connector(5.08mm 3p connector)
// #        Motor A  ->  Screw terminal close to E1 driver pin
// #        Motor B  ->  Screw terminal close to E2 driver pin
// #
// # Note: You should connect the GND pin from the DF-MD v1.3 to your MCU controller. They should share the GND pins.
// #

int E1 = 6;
int M1 = 7;
int E2 = 5;
int M2 = 4;

void setup()
    pinMode(M1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(M2, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  int value;
  for(value = 0 ; value <= 255; value+=5)
    analogWrite(E1, value);   //PWM Speed Control
    analogWrite(E2, value);   //PWM Speed Control


image:nextredirectltr.pngGo shopping md1.3 2a dual motor controller (sku: dri0002)

category: Product Manual category: DRI Series category: Motor Controllers category: source category: Diagram