GPS_Receiver_for_Arduino_(Model_A)_(SKU_TEL0083 A) - jimaobian/DFRobotWiki GitHub Wiki
GPS Receiver for Arduino is an unit embedding GPS module and antena in a small foot-print enclosure. By using TinyGPS library, Arduino can retrieve geographic coordinates (latitude and longitutde, altitude), speed, heading and GMT time.
The update rate is an important performance index of a GPS receiver. Most GPS in mobile phones provide an update rate of 1Hz, which means, only one set of data can be retrieved in one second. For GPS receivers with 5Hz, the data interval is much reduced and thus can be used for more demanding applications (e.g. on fast-moving vehicles)
- U-BLOX G6010 solution
- 5Hz output
- 38400bps TTL serial interface
- 3.3V-5V input voltage
- 50-channel receiver
- Extremely high sensitivity -161dBm
- Accuracy 2.5m (Autonomous) / <2m[SBAS]
- Operating temperature: -40°C to 85°C
- Power consumption: 3.3V @ 41mA
- Hot Start : 1s
- Warm Start : 32s
- Cold Start : 32s
- Ceramic Antena 25*25*2mm
- Module Size 25*28*7.5mm
- Enclosure Size 40x30x10mm
- Wire length: about 23cm
- Black: RxD
- White: TxD
- Red: VCC
- Black (thick): GND
To use, simply create an instance of an object like this:
#include "TinyGPS.h"
TinyGPS gps;
Feed the object serial NMEA data one character at a time using the encode() method. (TinyGPS does not handle retrieving serial data from a GPS unit.) When encode() returns “true”, a valid sentence has just changed the TinyGPS object’s internal state. For example:
void loop()
while (Serial.available())
int c =;
if (gps.encode(c))
// process new gps info here
You can then query the object to get various tidbits of data. To test whether the data returned is stale, examine the (optional) parameter “fix_age” which returns the number of milliseconds since the data was encoded.
long lat, lon;
unsigned long fix_age, time, date, speed, course;
unsigned long chars;
unsigned short sentences, failed_checksum;
// retrieves +/- lat/long in 100000ths of a degree
gps.get_position(&lat, &lon, &fix_age);
// time in hhmmsscc, date in ddmmyy
gps.get_datetime(&date, &time, &fix_age);
// returns speed in 100ths of a knot
speed = gps.speed();
// course in 100ths of a degree
course = gps.course();
GPS receiver Arduino VCC —————— VCC GND —————— GND RX —————— TX TX —————— RX
Library:TinyGPS V1.3
#include <TinyGPS.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
TinyGPS gps;
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); //LCD driver pins
int led = 13;
long lat, lon;
unsigned long fix_age, time, date, speed, course;
unsigned long chars;
unsigned short sentences, failed_checksum;
//int year;
//byte month, day, hour, minute, second, hundredths;
int DEG;
int MIN1;
int MIN2;
void LAT(){ //Latitude state
lcd.setCursor(0,0); // set the LCD cursor position
lcd.print("' ");
void LON(){ //Longitude state
lcd.setCursor(0,1); // set the LCD cursor position
lcd.print("' ");
void setup()
Serial.begin(38400); //Set the GPS baud rate.
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
lcd.begin(16, 2); // start the library
lcd.setCursor(0,0); // set the LCD cursor position
lcd.print("GPS test"); // print a simple message on the LCD
void loop()
while (Serial.available())
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
int c =; // Read the GPS data
if (gps.encode(c)) // Check the GPS data
// process new gps info here
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
gps.get_position(&lat, &lon, &fix_age); // retrieves +/- lat/long in 100000ths of a degree
gps.get_datetime(&date, &time, &fix_age); // time in hhmmsscc, date in ddmmyy
//gps.crack_datetime(&year, &month, &day, //Date/time cracking
//&hour, &minute, &second, &hundredths, &fix_age);
TinyGPS U-Center Download U-Center User Guide
shopping gps receiver for arduino (model a)
category: Product Manual category: TEL Series category: Wireless