DFRobot_Tilt_Sensor_(SKU_DFR0028) - jimaobian/DFRobotWiki GitHub Wiki


DFRobot Tilt Sensor the dfrobot tilt sensor is a digital mercury-based tilt switch that is either closed, disconnected or open. the module is based on the number of mercury switches. the mercury flows to the low-lying and could therefore be used as a simple tilt sensor. the dedicated sensor expansion boards with the Arduino, in combination, can achieve very interesting and an interactive work.

Note: Mercury is a toxic substance, please be careful to avoid breaking the glass case.


  • Digital mercury-based tilt switch
  • Can be used as a simple tilt sensor

Pin Definition

Touch Sensor module pin definition :




digital input module

Connection Diagram

Digital module connection diagram

Sample Code

int ledPin = 13;                // Connect LED to pin 13
int switcher = 3;                 // Connect Tilt sensor to Pin3

void setup()
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);      // Set digital pin 13 to output mode
  pinMode(switcher, INPUT);       // Set digital pin 3 to input mode
void loop()

   if(digitalRead(switcher)==HIGH) //Read sensor value
        digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);   // Turn on LED when the sensor is tilted
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);    // Turn off LED when the sensor is not triggered

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category: Product Manual category: DFR Series category: Sensors category:source category:Diagram