DFRobot_Digital_Vibration_Sensor_V2_SKU_DFR0027 - jimaobian/DFRobotWiki GitHub Wiki

Digital Vibration Sensor V2


What's the simplest way to check vibration with Arduino? Use a vibration sensor from DFRobot. You can directly plug it on our IO Expesion Shield V7. Just vibrate this sensor, Arduino can receive a digital signal. It's easy to acount and program in Arduino.

Despite it's simple, you can make full use of it with creative thinking, like step counting, Crash warning light and so on.


  • Wide voltage range from 3.3V to 5V
  • Standard assembling structure (two 3mm diameter holes with multiple of 5mm as distance from center)
  • Easily recognitive interfaces of sensors ("A" for analog and "D" for digital)
  • Icons to simplely illustrate sensor function
  • High quality connector
  • Immersion gold surface
  • IO Type: Digital
  • Switch life: up to 10 million seconds
  • Open circuit resistance: 10Mohm
  • Supply Voltage: 3.3V to 5V
  • Interface: Digital
  • Size:22x30mm


Connection Diagram

connection diagram

Sample Code

#define SensorLED   13
//Connect the sensor to digital Pin 3 which is Interrupts 1.
#define SensorINPUT  3�
unsigned char state = 0;
void setup() {
  pinMode(SensorLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(SensorINPUT, INPUT);
  //Trigger the blink function when the falling edge is detected
  attachInterrupt(1, blink, FALLING);

void loop() {
  if (state != 0) {
    state = 0;
    digitalWrite(SensorLED, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(SensorLED, LOW);
//Interrupts function �
void blink() {


As shown in figure connection , plug LED and lay a finger on Digital Vibration Sensor , LED will be lightened

Trouble shooting

More question and cool idea, visit DFRobot Forum


  • Version History

Digital Vibration Sensor V1

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category: Product Manual category: DFR Series

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