Arduino_I2C_to_GPIO_Module_(SKU_DFR0013) - jimaobian/DFRobotWiki GitHub Wiki


Arduino I2C to GPIO Module (SKU:DFR0013) when arduino is used for robots or interactive media, digital io port is always found not enough? iic now turn i / o modules to help you solve the problem, arduino only two data lines (scl-analog pin5, sda-analog pin4) and iic can transfer i / o module communication, to convert the 16 digital io ports, read-write. 8 simultaneous parallel modules, each module can be set to address.


  • Module power supply: +5 V
  • 16 Digital IO port comes with internal pull-up
  • Can be set to eight addresses (address range of 0x20 ~ 0x27)
  • 8 modules simultaneously in parallel (IIC bus need to pull together)
  • Module Size: 42x40mm

Sample Code

Test Program for the 12C PCA9555 Board part number DFR0013 IIC TO GPIO module from
16 outputs that I used to drive this relay board made in Bulgaria
it's a great little expansion board that can be used to drive LEDs or anything you want.
made by [email protected]
January 07th 2011
My biggest problem was figuring out the I2C address of the PCA9555.
If there are no jumpers the address is 1 0 0 '1 1 1'
Jumpers make the address 1 0 0 '0 0 0'. This is opposite of what I expected.

#include <Wire.h>

//  with no jumpers the full address is   1 0 0 1 1 1    1 0 0 A2 A1 A0  0x27 is the default address for the DFR0013 board with no jumpers.
#define PCA9555 0x27 // 0x27 is default address for the DFR0013 board with no jumpers.
                     // 0x20 is address for the DFR0013 board with all jumpers.
// At reset, the device's ports are inputs with a high value resistor pull-ups to VDD
// If relays turning on during power up are a problem. Add a pull down resistor to each relay transistor base.

#define IN_P0 0x00 // Read Input port0
#define IN_P1 0x01 // Read Input port1
#define OUT_P0 0x02 // Write Output port0
#define OUT_P1 0x03 // Write Output port1
#define INV_P0 0x04 // Input Port Polarity Inversion port0 if B11111111 is written input polarity is inverted
#define INV_P1 0x05 // Input Port Polarity Inversion port1 if B11111111 is written input polarity is inverted
#define CONFIG_P0 0x06 // Configuration port0 configures the direction of the I/O pins 0 is output 1 is input
#define CONFIG_P1 0x07 // Configuration port1 configures the direction of the I/O pins 0 is output 1 is input

#define PAUSE 200

void setup()
  Wire.begin(PCA9555); // join i2c bus (address optional for master) tried to get working
  write_io (CONFIG_P0, B00000000); //defines all pins on Port0 are outputs
  write_io (CONFIG_P1, B00000000); //defines all pins on Port1 are outputs
  write_io (OUT_P0, B00000000); //clears all relays
  write_io (OUT_P1, B00000000); //clears all relays
  delay (PAUSE);

void loop()
  write_io (OUT_P0, B00000001);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P0, B00000010);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P0, B00000100);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P0, B00001000);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P0, B00010000);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P0, B00100000);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P0, B01000000);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P0, B10000000);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P0, B00000000);

  write_io (OUT_P1, B00000001);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P1, B00000010);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P1, B00000100);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P1, B00001000);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P1, B00010000);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P1, B00100000);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P1, B01000000);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P1, B10000000);
  delay (PAUSE);
  write_io (OUT_P1, B00000000);


 void write_io(int command, int value)

Advanced application

Let's see a practical example: Driving a 4*4 button pad with GPIO.

Connecting diagram


Sample code

Hardware preparation: a 4*4 button pad, a GPIO, 4 1k Ohm resistors.
sample code for Sealed membrane 4*4 button pad with sticker, it outputs the ASCII code for keys on the pad.
In this sample, to save the I/O port on Arduino board, we use a IIC-GPIO modulo (SKU:DFR0013). It transform the
IIC port on the Arduino board into GPIO I/O port.For more details, please turn to this page:

The general working principle of this key pad is a 4*4 matrix. The sample code scans the 4*4 matrix in a short time
and determines whether there is a signal input( pression on the keypad).
Before reading this sample code, you'd better have a look at the sample connection pic. You may wonder why there are
four resistors. This is because that if there are no such resistors, the data analogRead() gets will be a stochastic value
between 0-1023. It will be impossible to determine whether the connection is made by pressing the button on the key pad.


Support: Arduino 1.0 or lower version
Author: Sheng Kaiyu
Editor: Michael
from DFrobot, Shanghai, China
Date: 2012/3/13

#include <Wire.h>

#define PCA9555 0x20 // address for PCA9555
#define OUT_P0 0x02 // Write Output port0
#define CONFIG_P0 0x06 // Configuration port0 configures the direction of the I/O pins, 0 is output, 1 is input
#define IN_P0 0x00 //Read Input port0

#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
#define printIIC(args) Wire.write((uint8_t)args)
#define readIIC()
#define printIIC(args) Wire.send(args)
#define readIIC() Wire.receive()

void setup()
  Wire.begin(PCA9555); // join i2c bus (address optional for master) tried to get working
  write_io (CONFIG_P0, B00001111); //define port 0.7-0.4 as output, 0.3-0.0 as input

void loop()
  unsigned char key;                                   // read and output once until the next pression
  if  (key!='E')
  delay(100);                                          // to avoid interruption
  while (readdata()==key)


unsigned char readdata(void)          //main read function
  int input=128;                      //binary 10000000, set pin 0.7 HIGH
  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)               //for loop
    write_io (OUT_P0, input);

    unsigned int temp=0x8;            //temporary integer, binary 1000, to compare with gpio_read() function and determine pression
    for (int j=0;j<4;j++)
         if (gpio_read(PCA9555)==temp)
         { return outputchar(i,j);}   // output the char
         temp=temp>>1 ;               // shift right
    input=input>>1;                   //shift right, set the next pin HIGH, set previous one LOW
  return 'E';                         // if no button is pressed, return E

 void write_io(int command, int value)  //write into register
  Wire.beginTransmission(PCA9555);      //begin transmission
  printIIC(command);                  //which register
  printIIC(value);                    //write value
  Wire.endTransmission();               //end transmission

unsigned int gpio_read(int address)   //read from pin 0.3 ~ 0.0
  int data = 0;
  printIIC(IN_P0);                // warning: this may be a bug in Arduino 1.0. transform 0x00 (input register) into byte 0, otherwise this compiler will return error
  Wire.requestFrom(address, 1);
  if (Wire.available())
    data = readIIC( )&0x0F ;           // read lower 4 bit  0.3 ~ 0.0

  return data;

unsigned char outputchar(int i, int j)   // output chars on the pad
  if (i==0)
  { switch (j)
    {case 0:
           return '1'; break;
     case 1:
           return '2'; break;
     case 2:
           return '3'; break;
     case 3:
           return 'A'; break;
   if (i==1)
  { switch (j)
    {case 0:
           return '4'; break;
     case 1:
           return '5'; break;
     case 2:
           return '6'; break;
     case 3:
           return 'B'; break;
   if (i==2)
  { switch (j)
    {case 0:
           return '7'; break;
     case 1:
           return '8'; break;
     case 2:
           return '9'; break;
     case 3:
           return 'C'; break;
   if (i==3)
  { switch (j)
    {case 0:
           return '*'; break;
     case 1:
           return '0'; break;
     case 2:
           return '#'; break;
     case 3:
           return 'D'; break;


Forum Discussion

image:nextredirectltr.pngGo shopping arduino i2c to gpio module (sku:dfr0013) category: Product Manual category: DFR Series category: Modules category: Source category: Diagram

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