Analog_Gas_Sensor(MQ9)_(SKU_SEN0134) - jimaobian/DFRobotWiki GitHub Wiki


MQ-9 gas sensor has high sensitity to Carbon Monoxide, Methane and LPG. The sensor can be used to detect different gases containing CO and combustible gases, it is low cost and suitable for different applications.

Sensitive material of MQ-9 gas sensor is SnO2, which has a lower conductivity in clean air. It makes detection by cycling high and low temperature, and detects CO when low temperature (heated by 1.5V). The sensor¡¯s conductivity is higher along with the gas concentration rising. When high temperature (heated by 5.0V), it detects Methane, Propane etc combustible gas and cleans the other gases adsorbed under low temperature.


  • Domestic gas leakage detector
  • Industrial gas detector
  • Portable gas detector


  • Power supply needs: 5V
  • Interface type: Analog
  • Pin Definition: 1-Output 2-GND 3-VCC
  • Sensor Type: Semiconductor
  • Concentration:
    • 10-1000ppm CO
    • 100-10000ppm combustible gas
  • Good sensitivity to CO/Combustible gas
  • High sensitivity to Methane, Propane and CO
  • Long life and low cost
  • Size: 40x20mm

Pin Definition

  1. Signal Output
  2. GND
  3. Power

Analog Sensor Pin Definition

Connection Diagram

Analog sensor connection diagram

Sample Code

///Arduino Sample Code
void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600); //Set serial baud rate to 9600 bps
void loop()
int val;
val=analogRead(0);Read Gas value from analog 0
Serial.println(val,DEC);//Print the value to serial port

image:nextredirectltr.pngGo shopping analog gas sensor(mq9) (sku:sen0134)

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