8*8_Matrix_SKU_DFR0240 - jimaobian/DFRobotWiki GitHub Wiki

8*8 Matrix Displays a volution


A brand new way to play with 8*8 matrix! Put your board aside after uploading. This small matrix has a quicker & easier way of displaying what you want. Tiny, portable, with microcontroller,display & power supply included,making it more convenienient to play with.You can programme whatever you want to display according to the sample codes in Wiki page.For example,a beating heart,a smile face,or even a slot machine.It can be a gift to your girlfriend,children,the choice is up to you. No need to connect other jumper cables & microcontroller. Find this cool little blittering dice in the bar,in a party...Now it's your turn to give it a new life. Specification

  • MCU:Atmega8
  • Led color:red
  • Programmable hang decorations
  • Charging circuit build in
  • Lipo battery x1
  • Xbee socket x1
  • 8*8 matrix module x1
  • Size:32x32mm

Sample Code

Library for sample code

  • Put the <led_8x8.h>in the same file of the sample codes
/**************** start of led_8x8.h ********************/
 *  created: 2013-06-14
 *  by: adrian
#include <Arduino.h>

const uint8_t row[8] = {9, 8,  4, 17, 3, 10, 11,  6};
const uint8_t col[8] = {2, 7, 19, 5, 13, 18, 12, 16};

//init 8x8 led
void led_init (void) {
    for (int pin = 0; pin<8; pin++)  {
        pinMode (row[pin], OUTPUT);
        pinMode (col[pin], OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite (row[pin], LOW);
        digitalWrite (col[pin], HIGH);

//display one led
void led_xy_on (int x, int y) {
    digitalWrite (row[x], HIGH);
    digitalWrite (col[y], LOW);
    digitalWrite (col[y], HIGH);
    digitalWrite (row[x], LOW);

//display one led with a time
void led_xy_time (int x, int y, int time) {
    for (int t=0; t<=time; t++) {
        digitalWrite (row[x], HIGH);
        digitalWrite (col[y], LOW);
        digitalWrite (col[y], HIGH);
        digitalWrite (row[x], LOW);

//display one led with a state
void led_xy_state (int x, int y, int state) {
    digitalWrite (row[x], HIGH);
    digitalWrite (col[y], !state);
    digitalWrite (col[y], HIGH);
    digitalWrite (row[x], LOW);

//display one picture
void led_pic (int pix[8][8]) {
    for (int x=0; x<8; x++)
        for (int y=0; y<8; y++)
            led_xy_state (x, y, pix[x][y]);

//loop displays a set of pictures in pix[][8][8];
void led_pix (int pix[][8][8], int pmax, int time) {
    for (int p=0; p<pmax; p++)  //picture from 0 to pmax
        for (int t=0; t<time; t++)  //delay
            for (int x=0; x<8; x++)
                for (int y=0; y<8; y++)
                    led_xy_state (x, y, pix[p][x][y]);

//open all led
void led_all_on () {
    for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
        digitalWrite (row[i], HIGH);
        digitalWrite (col[i], LOW);

/***************** end of led_8x8.h ***********************/

Sample code

/*************** start of sample3.c ******************/
 *  created: 2013-06-14
 *  by:  adrian
 *      loop displays a volution

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "led_8x8.h"

void setup () {
    led_init ();

void loop () {
    int left = 0;
    int right = 7;
    int time = 500;

    for (int x=0,y=0 ;left<right; left++, right--) {
        for (x=left; x<=right; x++)
            led_xy_time (x, y, time);
        for (y=left; y<=right; y++)
            led_xy_time (x, y, time);
        for (x=right; x>=left; x--)
            led_xy_time (x, y, time);
        for (y=right; y>left; y--)
            led_xy_time (x, y, time);
/*************** end of sample3.c ******************/

image:nextredirectltr.pngGo shopping 8*8 matrix (sku:dfr0240) category: Product Manual category: DFR Series category: Module

category: Diagram category: DFRobot

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