Zigbee Signing OTA Image - jim-tech/iot-developer-boot-camp GitHub Wiki

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Signing OTA Image

1. Summary

Signing the OTA file is a mandatory requirement of Zigbee Smart Energy applications. For non-SE applications, it's optional. In this page, we will introduce the approach of signing the OTA image of a general Zigbee 3.0 application and verifying it on the client side.

OTA image format is described in section 11.4 of ZCL spec. We will add the signature as a tag.

2. Gecko SDK version

Gecko SDK Suite 2.7.

3. Hardware Required

  • Wireless Starter Kit Main Board (BRD4001)
  • EFR32MG12 2400/915 MHz 19 dBm Dual Band Radio Board (BRD4164A)

4. Connections Required


5. Setup

5.1. Signing Tool

In this example, we will use the ECDSA-P256-SHA256 signing algorithm which is the same algorithm used in GBL signature. We will also use Simplicity Commander to generate the signing key as described in section 9.3.1 of UG266.

  1. Generate the signing key pair.

    commander util genkey --type ecc-p256 --privkey signing-key --pubkey signing-key.pub --tokenfile signing-keytokens.txt
  2. Program the public signing key into the device as manufacture tokens.

    commander flash --tokengroup znet --tokenfile signing-key-tokens.txt
  3. Install Python3, then install python-ecdsa library with pip install ecdsa. After that, download the signing script, run the command python OTAFileSigner.py sign <otafile> <private signing-key> to sign the OTA file.


    python OTAFileSigner.py sign OTA4164A.ota signing-key

5.2. Verify the OTA file

  1. Create the OTA client project per described in AN728.
  2. Add a custom macro "MBEDTLS_SHA256_C" to enable SHA256 in mbedtls.
  3. Add a folder ecdsa in your project and copy the following source files to it. These files can be found in the example.
    • btl_security_ecdsa.c
    • btl_security_ecdsa.h
    • ecc.c
    • ecc.h
  4. Edit the function emAfOtaImageSignatureVerify in source file ota-client/ota-client-signature-verify.c.
    #include "mbedtls/sha256.h"
    #include "ecdsa/btl_security_ecdsa.h"
    #define SIGNATURE_TAG_ID   0x0001
    #define SIGNATURE_LEN      64
    #pragma pack(push)
    #pragma pack(1)
    typedef struct
      uint16_t  tagID;
      uint32_t  dataLen;
    #pragma pack(pop)
    bool emberOTAImageIsSigned(const EmberAfOtaImageId *id)
      uint32_t headerSize;
      uint32_t imageSize;
      uint32_t offset;
      bool     has_signature = false;
      OTATagHeader tagHeader;
      uint32_t     readLen;
      EmberAfOtaStorageStatus status;
      status = emAfOtaStorageGetHeaderLengthAndImageSize(id,
      if (0 != status) {
        otaPrintln("Error: get image length failed");
        return false;
      otaPrintln("headerSize=%d imageSize=%d", headerSize, imageSize);
      //The last tag must be the signature
      offset = headerSize;
      while (offset < imageSize) {
        status = emberAfOtaStorageReadImageDataCallback(id,
                                                        (uint8_t *)&tagHeader,
        if (EMBER_AF_OTA_STORAGE_SUCCESS != status) {
          otaPrintln("Error: read image failed at offset %d", offset);
          return false;
        otaPrintln("offset=%d tag=%d len=%d readLen=%d", offset, tagHeader.tagID, tagHeader.dataLen, readLen);
        if (tagHeader.tagID == SIGNATURE_TAG_ID) {
          has_signature = true;
        offset += sizeof(OTATagHeader) + tagHeader.dataLen;
      if (has_signature && (tagHeader.tagID == SIGNATURE_TAG_ID && SIGNATURE_LEN == tagHeader.dataLen)) {
        return true;
      } else {
        otaPrintln("Error: image not signed or signature is not the last tag");
        return false;
    EmberAfImageVerifyStatus emAfOtaImageSignatureVerify(uint16_t maxHashCalculations,
                                                        const EmberAfOtaImageId* id,
                                                        bool newVerification)
      EmberAfOtaStorageStatus status;
      uint32_t imageSize;
      uint8_t  block[64];
      uint32_t readSize;
      int32_t  dataLeftToRead;
      uint32_t offset = 0;
      uint32_t readLen;
      uint8_t  digest[32];
        uint8_t  signature[64];
        uint8_t  i;
      mbedtls_sha256_context ctx;
      if (!emberOTAImageIsSigned(id)) {
        return EMBER_AF_IMAGE_BAD;
      mbedtls_sha256_starts(&ctx, 0);
      status = emAfOtaStorageGetHeaderLengthAndImageSize(id,
                                  NULL, // header length (don't care)
      if (0 != status) {
        otaPrintln("Error: get image length failed");
      //calculate the digest. exclude the last tag
      dataLeftToRead = imageSize - sizeof(OTATagHeader) - SIGNATURE_LEN;
      offset = 0;
      while (dataLeftToRead > 0) {
        readSize = dataLeftToRead < sizeof(block) ? dataLeftToRead : sizeof(block);
        if ((EMBER_AF_OTA_STORAGE_SUCCESS != emberAfOtaStorageReadImageDataCallback(id,
                                                &readLen)) || (readSize != readLen)) {
          otaPrintln("Error: calculate digest fail");
        mbedtls_sha256_update(&ctx, block, readLen);
        dataLeftToRead -= readLen;
        offset += readLen;
      mbedtls_sha256_finish(&ctx, digest);
      for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
        otaPrint("%X", digest[i]);
      //read signature
      status = emAfOtaStorageGetTagDataFromImage(id, SIGNATURE_TAG_ID, signature, &readLen, sizeof(signature));
      if (0 != status) {
        otaPrintln("Error: read signature failed");
      //read signing key
      tokTypeMfgSignedBootloaderKeyX  key_x;
      tokTypeMfgSignedBootloaderKeyY  key_y;
      halCommonGetMfgToken(&key_x, TOKEN_MFG_SIGNED_BOOTLOADER_KEY_X);
      halCommonGetMfgToken(&key_y, TOKEN_MFG_SIGNED_BOOTLOADER_KEY_Y);
      int32_t ret = btl_verifyEcdsaP256r1(digest, &signature[0], &signature[32], (uint8_t *)&key_x, (uint8_t *)&key_y);
      otaPrintln("verify result ret=%d", ret);
        if (0 != ret) {
            return EMBER_AF_IMAGE_VERIFY_ERROR;
        } else {
            return EMBER_AF_IMAGE_GOOD;
  5. Save and build.

6. How It Works

  1. Sign the OTA image, then put the signed OTA image on the server
  2. Start OTA upgrading and check it it can upgrade successfully.

7. .sls Projects Used

Project Comment
OTA4164A.sls OTA client project with signature support

8. How to Port to Another Part


9. Special Notes


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