ERPNext Docker - jigneshpshah/greycube_helpmanual GitHub Wiki

ERPNext Docker Source

Setting up Pre-requisites

This repository requires Docker and Git to be setup on the instance to be used.

Cloning the repository and preliminary steps

Clone this repository somewhere in your system:

git clone
cd frappe_docker

Copy the example docker environment file to .env:

cp installation/env-example installation/.env

Make a directory for sites:

mkdir installation/sites

DNS A Record for the domain

Setup Environment Variable more info

[email protected]

Deployment for production

Install docker more info

sudo curl -sSL | sh
sudo usermod -aG docker frappe

Install docker-compose more info

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

docker-compose --version

Setup Letsencrypt Nginx Proxy Companion

Letsencrypt Nginx Proxy Companion can optionally be setup to provide SSL. This is recommended for instances accessed over the internet.

Your DNS will need to be configured correctly for Letsencrypt to verify your domain.

To setup the proxy companion, run the following commands:

cd $HOME
git clone
cd docker-compose-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion
cp .env.sample .env

ERPNext Start

docker-compose \
    --project-name <project-name> \
    -f installation/docker-compose-common.yml \
    -f installation/docker-compose-erpnext.yml \
    -f installation/docker-compose-networks.yml \
    --project-directory installation up -d