Report 22 04 18 - jhhl/AUMI-Together GitHub Wiki

Hi AUMI fans:

First of all thanks for coming down with a bunch of new devices, Jonas!

Ridiculous desktop news:

The new MacBook Pro (16"), running Monterey on Apple Silicon, actually can download and run AUMI , the iOS version, from the App store!

Yeah!! It even has a the little fixes I put in for desktop use, like using shift click instead of two fingers to resize the sound area rectangle, and option-click to hide the interface elements.

So, although you need the latest desktop/laptop tech, you can get it straight out of the Mac App store. No special signing needed or any of that frustrating rigamarole.

You may have noticed there's a new version in Test Flight that I put up yesterday. It has a bunch of improvements and fixes a few bugs. Two things I want to put in before it goes live are :

  • Metadata for AUMI Instruments, which will help them self describe and keep them from being used in some modes where they are inappropriate. The metadata will also eventually let notes to have associated images, like some people have asked for for years. Each sound could have a selected and an unselected images.
  • Finally redoing the instructions into small separate pieces instead of one huge document. I'll be able to go over it while doing that and bring it up to date with better pictures, less redundancy, updated notes on usage and desktop usage, and it will look better as a PDF because of the "chapter breaks". Anyone want to get me a Spanish translator? It's been able to be internationalized for years now.


I'm looking into technologies to build AUMI Together. BTW, do you want to stick with this name, which I thought up in about 5 minutes a long time ago. Although I like AUMI Together, it's not really English.

  • Adaptive Use Musical Instrument : browser based networked musical improvisation for every body.
  • Networked Adaptive Use Musical Instrument (NAUMI)
  • Community Adaptive Use Musical Instrument (CAUMI)
  • Adaptive Use Musical Instrument Together (AUMIT)

I've been investigating development frameworks for progressive web apps, testing for different parts of the app, continuous integration tools, etc. I'm thinking parts of it can be written in WebAssembly, which means the trackers, for instance, might be much speedier for browsers that support it. What I need is a person or group of people from your educational institutions who I can bounce ideas off of. I can make stuff up, like I always do, but It's better to bounce ideas off of someone who knows what I'm talking about.

Meanwhile, It would be nice to draw more people into the AUMI Consortium. I'm going to be contacting Sarah Weaver for some tech advice on the conferencing part of the program, but that won't be until next year. I'm looking for people to help test it, even test the current AUMIs which we've needed for a long time.

-- Henry

Henry Lowengard AUMI Together [email protected]