Instructions Catalog - jhhl/AUMI-Together GitHub Wiki

Instructions Catalog

  • Blocks concentrate on one aspect of a feature that are gathered into Subjects
  • Subjects are gathered into Features
  • Features are gathered into Topics
  • and all the Topics combined are the Document.

The hierarchy is just one way of organizing this info.

Here are all the BLOCK-IDs and what they stand for. The IDS are now all 4 chars long

OVVW Overview
VRSN Version AUMI versions list, ordered latest first
V000 Version notes for release 000 AUMI version with the proper version number in it, notes on this version, date of update, etc.
TITL Title Title, Icon, release, and short description
AUDC Audience Intended audience
CNTC Contact development, admin, legal, educational contacts
WEBI Website instructions How to use the instructions system
CRDT Credits official credits notice
EXTI External Resources Related AUMI Sites and social media
USNG Using
INTR Introductory
SETU Setup the setup subject
ROOM Room Setting up the room and lighting
DEVC Devices Setting up the devices
PLAY INTR Play Intro Introduction to playing AUMI
PRTS CRSR Parts: Cursor the Cursor
PRTS SNDB Parts: Sound boxes Sound Boxes, how they are used, how they can be customized
PRTS TBAR Parts: Toolbars context changing and instrument customizing buttons
IOPS Instruments Options things you can change about instruments
IOPS LOOK INTR Looks intro what is the Looks dialog
IOPS INST INTR Instrument intro what is the Instruments dialog
IOPS CMTK INTR Camera and Trackers intro what is the Camera/Tracker dialog
IOPS TMCH INTR Timing and Chords intro what is the Timing/Chords dialog