Continuous Integration - jhhl/AUMI-Together GitHub Wiki

Continuous Integration

Jenkins can be installed using the Homebrew package manager. Homebrew formula: jenkins-lts This is a package supported by a third party which may be not as frequently updated as packages supported by the Jenkins project directly.

Sample commands:
Install the latest LTS version: brew install jenkins-lts
Install a specific LTS version: brew install jenkins-lts@YOUR_VERSION
Start the Jenkins service: brew services start jenkins-lts
Restart the Jenkins service: brew services restart jenkins-lts
Update the Jenkins version: brew upgrade jenkins-lts
After starting the Jenkins service, browse to http://localhost:8080 and follow the instructions to complete the installation. Also see the external materials for installation guidelines. For example, this blogpost describes the installation process.

Note: When using launchctl the port will be 8080.

To start jenkins-lts:
  brew services start jenkins-lts
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
  /usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/bin/java -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true -jar /usr/local/opt/jenkins-lts/libexec/jenkins.war --httpListenAddress= --httpPort=8080