How to make .desktop shortcut - jharwinbarrozo/rotcontrol GitHub Wiki

Creating a .desktop file in Ubuntu that launches a Python script

Here we will make two .desktop files that will launch Pupil Capture and Pupil Player.


  1. Right click on your desktop and create a new empty document.
  2. Set the document file type by Renaming the document that ends with .desktop
  3. Drag the document into a text editor and edit the document with the example code below

Note: Change the X-Icon-Path to the icon you want to use and Execpath to where Pupil` is located on your machine (see example pupil.desktop for reference)

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Pupil Capture
Exec=python /path/to/py/file/

Option - you can use Terminal=true to launch the terminal if desired.

In the terminal set the permissions of the desktop file to be executable by typing this: chmod u+x path/to/py/file/

Right click on the new empty document and in the Permissions tab, set the execute to allow executing file as program.