Udemy: Unreal Engine C The Ultimate Game Developer Course - jgoffeney/Cesium4Unreal GitHub Wiki


Section 2

Creating Blueprints

Creating a Blueprint is analogous to creating a game object + template in Unity but in one step.

When creating a new Actor blueprint object it has a single component as a DefaultSceneRoot. This is a required component derived from a Scene component which is an object that has spatial behavior without a physical representation.

If you add a static mesh to the Actor it will be parented to DefaultSceneRoot. When you look at the Details->Transform->Mobility there are options of Static, Stationary and Movable. These affect how light and shadow is calculated. If a model is static then the shadow is prebaked while if it is movable then the light is updated dynamically. The stationary value is for lights which are fixed in the world (but may still have varying intensity, color, etc.).

By default when opening the event graph for the Blueprint object is has the default events for BeginPlay (when the game starts), ActorBeginOverlap (when one actor begins to overlap another) and Tick (each frame update).

Section 3: Intro to Unreal Engine C++

Section 4: The Actor Class

Section 5: The Pawn Class

Section 6: The Character Class

Section 7: Gameplay Mechanics

Section 8: Combat

Section 9: Level Changing and Saving the Game