Tilt Five - jgoffeney/Cesium4Unreal GitHub Wiki




  • The Project Updates page contains an invite link for Discord which contains a lot of useful information and resources.


  • Resources

  • Installation

    • Currently only UE 4.25, 4.26 and 4.27 are supported.
    • Download the Unreal SDK from the Tile Five Developer Page
    • Within the SDK folder are folders for each supported Unreal version.
    • Assuming you have a supported version of the engine installed, copy the contents to its Engine/Plugins folder. You can put it a subfolder if you wish. Unreal scans everything in the Plugins folder.
    • Create a new project and the plugin should be available to add.
  • Adding Plugin

    • Open the Edit->Plugins and enable the Tilt Five plugin and before restarting disable all VR plugins and then restart.
    • Tilt Five does not work with OpenXR and the presence of those plugins in the project seems to create a crash on loading.
  • Development

    • Editor
      • Play
        • The Play button has a drop down menu next to it. Selecting VR Preview will use standard VR head tracking with the glasses and enable the display with the Tilt Five board.
    • General Settings
      • World Setting -> World To Meters
        • This setting scales the VR view. Decrease the value to make everything appear larger and increase to make everything appear smaller (which is required to make content fit on a Tilt Five board).
    • Camera Settings
      • The tutorial video uses the 3rd Person template for the project and the camera has an offset which places the ThirdPersonCharacter too far away.
        • From the scene contents open the editor for the ThirdPersonCharacter_. Under the components select the CameraBoom and set the Camera->Target Arm Length to 0.
        • The presenter then creates a new Scene component under the CapsuleComponent and zeros out the Transform values. This is used to represent the center of the board. He then drags the CameraBoom component as a child of the new Scene object.
    • Adding the Wand
      • The wand can be added to blueprints by replacing the input events.
        • In the tutorial video the InputAction Jump event is replaced with Tile Five Wand (R) Trigger which has the exact same Pressed and Released actions.
          • Note: use the event with the (R) for right. It also supports (or will) a left wand but right is the default.
      • The wand can also be connected in a more general way through the input manager of the Project Settings.
        • Go to the Input section and expand the Action Mappings and Axis Mappings.
        • Pressing the + next to an action or axis allows you to add a new event such as Tile Five Wand (R) Trigger to Jump.
        • Axis Mappings
          • MoveForward: add the event Tile Five Wand(R) Stick Y Axis
          • MoveRight: add the event Tile Five Wand(R) Stick X Axis
      • Add a Motion Controller
        • Back in the blueprint, under CameraBoom add a TiltFiveWandController component.
          • Set the controller's Motion Controller->Motion Sensor to Right instead of Left.
          • Under TiltFiveWandController add a Static Mesh and set its Static Mesh value to Wand.
            • Under Collision you can set Collision Presets to NoCollision to prevent the wand from interacting with the scene objects.
          • This creates an in game representation of the Tile Five Wand.
  • Cesium

    • Plugins
      • To use Tilt Five and Cesium together first load the Tilt Five plugin and then restart. Then add the Cesium plugin and restart. Trying to add them together results in a crash on load.