Minimal TeXLive installation for Pandoc - jgm/pandoc GitHub Wiki

In the course of setting up Pandoc on a laptop with limited resources I have through trial and error determined the TeXLive packages needed to produce a very simple PDF with Pandoc using --pdf-engine=pdflatex, --pdf-engine=xelatex, --pdf-engine=lualatex or --pdf-engine=context.

It turns out that the list of needed packages in the Pandoc manual is not sufficient, not only because in some cases the names of the .sty files and the TeXLive packages don't coincide. Since I in the end decided to include collection-context, collection-luatex and collection-xetex for good measure there may actually be some duplication in the list below.

Note that when running install-tl as described on the TeXLive quick install page you should actively select the basic scheme and deselect docs and sources in the options if you want a very lean install as I did here.

Note that if you have manually added the path to TeXLive's bin directory to your PATH variable as is typically the case it will not be in the root's PATH when running with sudo. The workaround is to use env to temporarily set the root's PATH to be identical to your PATH by running

sudo env "PATH=$PATH" sh

The script can be conveniently downloaded by cloning this gist. Most likely I will be updating it there rather than here!


# TeXLive packages needed to produce PDFs with Pandoc
# using different *TeX `--pdf-engine` options.

tlmgr install \
scheme-basic \
amsfonts \
amsmath \
babel \
biber \
biblatex \
bibtex \
bidi \
booktabs \
collection-context \
collection-luatex \
collection-xetex \
csquotes \
ec \
fancyvrb \
filehook \
fontspec \
footnotehyper \
geometry \
graphics \
hyperref \
ifluatex \
ifxetex \
listings \
lm \
lm-math \
lualatex-math \
luaotfload \
mathspec \
microtype \
natbib \
oberdiek \
parskip \
polyglossia \
setspace \
tools \
ulem \
unicode-math \
upquote \
xcolor \
xurl \
zapfding \