Terrain Builder Export - jetelain/ArmaRealMap GitHub Wiki

1. Generate files

Create your map like explained in Create a map for Arma 3, but instead of using "Generate a mod for Arma 3" button, use "Generate Map for Arma 3" and pick "Generate Map to Terrain Builder files".


Once it's done, the following window will pop-up:


Click on "View instruction import", this will open a README.txt file with:

  • Parameters to use for mapframe / map ;
  • Paths of files to import into Terrain Builder.

You may want to review generated files, then click "View in File Explorer". Somes files are generated in the project drive, see README.txt file for their exact location.

2. Import files

Click on "Launch Terrain Builder", then follow general instructions of the README.txt file.

Refer to community guides on how to use Terrain Builder, the provided instructions remains general.

Mapframe location

Select UTM 31 N, it's the only location compatible with Arma 3 terrain making.


This information has effect on generated map, it's only for Terrain Builder internal logic.

Object layers

It's recommanded to create a layer for each text file generated.