OSM Supported Tags - jetelain/ArmaRealMap GitHub Wiki

OpenStreetMap Supported Tags

GameRealisticMap uses a simplified data model built from OSM data.

This document list all supported OSM data tags and their simplification in GameRealisticMap .


Area Only these elements mapped as areas are detected.

iD Title (en-US) Detected OSM Tags GRM interpretation
Vineyard landuse=vineyard Vineyard
Orchard landuse=orchard Orchard
Farmland (grass) landuse=farmland crop=grass Meadow
Farmland landuse=farmland (others) Farmland
Meadow landuse=meadow Meadow
Meadow natural=meadow Meadow
Grassland natural=grassland Meadow
Heath natural=heath Meadow
Sand natural=sand Sand
Beach natural=beach Sand
Sand surface surface=sand Sand
Managed Forest landuse=forest Forest
Natural Wood natural=wood Forest
Bare Rock natural=bare_rock Rocks
Scrub natural=scrub Scrubs
Lake water=lake Lake
Pond water=pond Lake
Water natural=water Lake

Individual trees and tree rows

Node Only these elements mapped as nodes are detected.

iD Title (en-US) Detected OSM Tags GRM interpretation
Tree natural=tree Individual tree

Way Only these elements mapped as paths are detected.

iD Title (en-US) Detected OSM Tags GRM interpretation
Tree Row natural=tree_row Tree row

Barriers : fences, hedges, walls

Way Only these elements mapped as paths are detected.

iD Title (en-US) Detected OSM Tags GRM interpretation
Wall barrier=wall Wall
Fence barrier=fence Fence
Hedge barrier=hedge Hedge

Buildings and assimilated

Area Only these elements mapped as areas.

Node Beta 7 will add support for those elements mapped as node.

iD Title (en-US) Detected OSM Tags GRM interpretation
? building=* shelter_type=public_transport Bus Stop Shelter
? building=* tower:type=communication Radio Tower
? building=church Church
? building=hut Hut
? building=shed public_transport=platform Bus Stop Shelter
? building=shed (others) Shed
? building=commercial Commercial
? building=retail Retail
? building=farm_auxiliary Agricultural
? building=barn Agricultural
? building=owshed Agricultural
? building=water_tower Water Tower
? building=garage Individual Garage
? building=house (Beta 7) Residential
? building=detached (Beta 7) Residential
? building=semidetached_house (Beta 7) Residential
? building=farm (Beta 7) Residential
? building=* historic=fort Historical Fort
? building=* brand=* Retail
? man_made=lighthouse (Beta 7) Lighthouse
? man_made=water_tower (Beta 7) Water Tower

Urban areas

Area GRM prefers those elements as areas when allowed by OSM conventions.

Urban areas are used for specific ground texture, filling elements, and default building type.

iD Title (en-US) Detected OSM Tags GRM interpretation (default building type)
Industrial Area landuse=industrial Industrial
Commercial Area landuse=commercial Commercial
Residential Area landuse=residential Residential
Retail Area landuse=retail Retail
Military Area landuse=military Military
Farmyard landuse=farmyard Agricultural


Way Only these elements mapped as paths are detected.

iD Title (en-US) Detected OSM Tags GRM interpretation
? highway=motorway Two Lanes Motorway
? highway=primary Two Lanes Primary Road
? highway=primary_link Two Lanes Primary Road
? highway=trunk Two Lanes Primary Road
? highway=trunk_link Two Lanes Primary Road
? highway=motorway_link Two Lanes Primary Road
? highway=secondary Two Lanes Secondary Road
? highway=seconday_link Two Lanes Secondary Road
? highway=tertiary Two Lanes Secondary Road
? highway=tertiary_link Two Lanes Secondary Road
? highway=road Two Lanes Secondary Road
? highway=living_street Two Lanes Urban Road
? highway=residential Two Lanes Urban Road
? highway=unclassified Two Lanes Urban Road
? highway=service [1] One Lane Urban Road
? highway=footway [2] Urban footway
? highway=track Path road
? highway=pedestrian surface=asphalt Urban footway
? highway=pedestrian surface=paved Urban footway
? highway=pedestrian (others) Trail

[1] For optimization purpose, some service roads are ignored :

  • access=private are ignored
  • service=driveway with restrictions are ignored

[2] Sidewalks and crossing are ignored, they are always procedural to ease adjusting to in-game road size


Node Only these elements mapped as nodes are detected.

iD Title (en-US) Detected OSM Tags GRM interpretation
? amenity=bench Bench
? amenity=waste_basket Basket
? amenity=post_box PostBox
? amenity=recycling recycling_type=container Recycling Container
? man_made=water_well Water Well
? man_made=flagpole (Beta 7) Flagpole
? leisure=picnic_table Picnic Table
? emergency=fire_hydrant fire_hydrant:type=pillar Fire Hydrant
? information=board Information Board
? historic=wayside_cross Wayside Cross
? historic=memorial memorial=statue Statue
? historic=memorial memorial=war_memorial War Memorial
? artwork_type=sculpture Sculpture
? highway=street_lamp (Beta 7) [1] Street Lamp

[1] Street lamps mapped are preferred, even if procedural street lamps is enabled.


Way Only these elements mapped as paths are detected.

iD Title (en-US) Detected OSM Tags GRM interpretation
Train Track railway=rail Railway
Disused Railway railway=disused (Beta 7) Railway

Node Only these elements mapped as nodes are detected.

iD Title (en-US) Detected OSM Tags GRM interpretation
Railway-Road Crossing railway=level_crossing Railway crossing with a road