Security ‐ SHELLS, DOMAINS and the Ghost in the Machine - jeppersons/SkyPilot GitHub Wiki

A central index to the various topics with supporting drill-downs

\ \ / What's that all about anyway?

Whats in our names? Physical v. Virtual




Particular emphasis that in our story the ghost is the shell or specifically a firewall.

In the real world you hide any reference, but in our test\lab we leave it exposed as:

\ghost -or- @ghost

[The Ghost in the Shell](

Because it is at the root of things it needs to be what we sign-on with

In turn, we create a SHELL or DOMAIN that is basically in the 'Eye of the Storm' Where (hopefully) everything works and everything is assessable.

We will be focusing on virtual machines -or- environments

Describe the Shell

then choose your working environment


and then set to work

quickie link on re-pointing your editing tools like Thoney to run exclusively on the libries available within the environment (for testing)

Deciding how to address is:

  • Real or Virtual
  • Absolute v. Relative (local)
  • in\out of the security shell nasty tidbit DNS in router (covered in niceties section)

Demonstrate how, when one is coding an address in a script: One can navigate in the GUI, find it, look at the address in the address line, and type or confirm script

SIDE THOUGHTS In certain age groups these could be homework assignments and test questions. Or as a online questionnaire to re-enforce getting these decision points right and to confirm effectiveness of the presentation.

OS this is fundamentally a support incident that needs to be fixed:

But I was all exited realizing on the Apple interface for VNC it exposes the secutiry architecture: it's not on the windows verson


CASE #1 CLOSED CASE # 000000001 Closed*

**ENIGMA - The KERNAL and the SEED ** - Bluetooth as an example - 128 bit encryption


Vertical vs Horizontal database structures Tables vs logs

How Interconnected we are to our SIDS --- A HORROR STORY I mean armiture? is right in the next valley over The value of the Google SID
SHOW Heat Maps, Stack Analysis google tracking? Graph Taylor Swift see the grammy's the superbowl ?