OSIBackGrounders - jeppersons/SkyPilot GitHub Wiki

A series of short videos < 20 mins that quickly cover a given subject area at a level of detail beyond the core material.

Intended to fill in the gaps for those who want to know more about a given subject.

IP Addresses

TCP/IP - Second Draft

Historical overview of the development of IP addressing with a focus on the ‘shortcomings’ of the original design, and the various steps taken to address the explosion of the internet to where we are today.

Covers IP Addresses, Packet Routing, IPv6, NAT, Ports, DNS & Firewalls


Starting with the Enigma Machine the history of encryption, we develop paired keys and how they are used today from Bluetooth to dual factor sign-on


Security ID's and other unique identifiers.

The values in Data tracking and Marketing using the example of the Google token