LINKS - jeppersons/SkyPilot GitHub Wiki


Dude-The raw starting boot disk for DUSTY & LUCKY

64 bit OS, I2c,SSH,networking configured, Remote Desktop working, STATS service running. . .boots as ghost

Ned-Fully Configured

64 bit OS, I2c,SSH,networking configured, Remote Desktop working, STATS service running. . .
MariaDB configured where data and log files propagate on SD


Dusty-Fully Configured

Lucky-Fully Configured

Environments, Services, Virtual Machines (githib pulls)

* envSTATS

* envMPU

* envGPS

* envBMP

* envLED


LAB: LED Service

    Examples of FOR WHILE loops exercising 3 dimensional thinking.

    ### Backgrounders on 
  • FORTRAN, PASCAL (ADA?) and multidimensional programming and their evolution into CGI and Game-spaces (my FOCAL story?)

  • CALCULUS type - concept of integrals . . . maybe sample a SIGN curve?

****This sets the stage for how one might control the array of drones in the last demo.

Download for LED 20 Light simulator