Classroom Snipits - jeppersons/SkyPilot GitHub Wiki

Security Discussion

The Ghost in the Machine

There needs to be a central environment 'an eye of the storm' type place where everything just works right.

Everybody gets along, we all share things.

We actaully have to hide it from 'hackers' (-- most people and things) and that's a job by itself but since we are safley in our lab we want to leave this exposed so we can better se it in action

GHOST - Profiles and File Structures

This implementation of a naming/file structure means we have to act even as we are flashing a new disk

On Flashing a new SD

Dungeon Master says to burn SD


Test Clip - Failover testing

Screen capture using ClipChamp. try this here and as an imbedded page test

Netflix Jr

In the section on addressing and the whole / it would get great to have a quickie quiz to re-enforce the issues taught. It would be even greater if the quiz was you have to get 3 right in each of 5 categories type quiz. . . . and a race?

If I were to get two banks of LED's on the rocket. The first days homework might be to let them download the base code and program up patterns 1-20 2x10 10x2 run against functions like random number generators etc.

The drone we build is akin to this

Drone Assembly