Bable Fish - jeppersons/SkyPilot GitHub Wiki

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(A Bibliography of Terms)


Hitchhiker's Guide (Original) Babel Fish

3CPO Protocol Service -- On board Web Service
  Code available to the individual services (virtual machines) that sends and receives a wide array of Protocols and commands.   Characterized as 3CPO – the protocol droid from Star Wwars that speaks ‘xxx’ languages
DUSTY Development/Test Machine           SYN-Development Environment
  This is where you’ll spend most of your development time. ·         Good high-speed connection ·         Flexible   <> Picture of Dusty
Hardware Abstraction Layer SYN-Presentation Layer (a component part)
  Standardizes hardware (like printers) to simplify what the software needs to do. To print, the software needs only to know how to send a line of data to a location, wait until it is empty, and send the next. ‘Drivers’ installed here manage the rest of the complexity of printing to a specific printer.
Env_STATS Shell for STATS Service              SYN-Virtual Machine
  The default start-up service reporting machine status.   The initial DataStream from the device Includes CPU,Memory,Storage & power messures
LUCKY Deployment Target                        SYN-Production Environment
  The lucky computer that gets to go up in the rocket.     <> Picture of Lucky at Fighting Weight
NED Shell for STATS Service              SYN-Virtual Machine
  In our Lab a physical machine but in the cloud a clone-able object.   This is ‘listening’ for other services to ‘phone-home’ and captures all the log records from all our services.   ·         THUS - Our best source for Reporting Data   Also used as a convent location to store and transfer files and scripts between machines.   <> Picture of NED in BOX




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