Home - jeppersons/SkyPilot GitHub Wiki

# `Welcome to the SkyPilot Wiki!


This is my attempt to develop a resource in support of the development of a lab environment for teaching: networking, security and cloud computing using Raspberry PIs.

For now, I am in the development/information gathering period and this is going to be mostly bookmarks and roughed-in ideas. I am unfamiliar with git and imagine once I figure it out- - -I'll need to start over: so this may be a temporary location.


Given three credit card sized/ educational computers and a mobile router (~$200), a lab is created to explore the various principles and challenges of cloud computing. Individual devices establish themselves as services, and are self contained in 'virtual environments' or shells as they begin reporting back to a SQL instance.

The goal is to target this material to a STEM audience, at various age groups, and develop meaningful learning challenges within the environment.

And to deliver the materials free and as Open Source as possible.

The stated project challenges are:

1. Attach several 'IoT' instances of services to a device

We place several chips designed to measure properties like GPS, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Humidity and Atmospheric pressure on a model rocket and launch it: to collect telemetry. The data is collected and reported real-time by an instance of MySQL for analysis.

2. The same service is then transferred to a second device and used to the pilot it. (Demonstrating the integrity of the developed service)

Utilizing the same chip (the MPU6050 accelerometer), but moving it to a drone. We establish the service on the new device and then run a program, using that data, to pilot the drown.

To further demonstrate scalability, we then clone the same service across multiple devices and simultaneously pilot a cluster of drowns.

A secondary goal, is to avoid technical terms and hold to larger conceptional concepts through use of analogies and role playing.

Thus our three computers are "The Three Amigos": Dusty, Lucky & Ned, and we discuss the services they need to supply to to meet our objectives.

Lucky's First Prototype

We explore File Structures, Security, Communication, Transport and logging, all to meet the objective of creating an maintaining a object that would successfully port to "the cloud" and scale out.

A working knowledge of how cloud computing actually works and how the technologies are interrelated is a fundamental skill in most professions today from: Media Moguls, to Small Business owners, and would be Influencers.

These topics, covered conceptually, avoiding technical terminology, should appeal to a large audience


The latest release of the Pi operating system BOOKWORM is imposing virtual environments be a part of their development environment going forward. **That speaks to the importance and relevance of these Materials**

NOW FOR SOME testing, testing

This is a link to a CHATGPI session where I build out the envMPU to get the service running for the MPU6050. The first task is to set-up this service.

  • Given CHATGPT can be caused to do step by step instructions that are generally pretty good, I thought I'd try it for some documentation.
  • I like the way it looks: but you would never get clear documentation this way.

MPU_service build


` I went back the next day, asked the session be used to write a script to automate the deployment of a new service. ADAFRUIT libraries are 'plug and play'

I attempted to deploy a (GPS) chip: I changed the names and it more or less worked._`

[testing testing ](https://chat.openai.com/c/1089cb24-3241-4579-8525-822730cda140)

Try this

Overview of Virtual environment THE SHELL

Here is where we are going DROWNS AND CLONES (a PowerPoint test.)


Internet Backgrounder - ISO MODEL APP,SESSION,TRANSPORT and our SHELL

Slide show presented as .mp4

Slide show presented as .pptm


I found this adventure comical. I will use it as a place marker for a bit but ChatGPT was worthless this time.

Just a quickie graphic please

I think the second to last is the funniest.

It went out of it's way to prove it was giving me exactly what I was asking for: On a graphic I was trying to decomplicate.

Dragon_Drown Clip