Installation and Troubleshooting - jensweigele/ioBroker.yahka GitHub Wiki
Before you can install the Adapter, you have to some packages (for Linux):
sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
Install the latest Release
Just hit the "+" button behind "Homekit yahka adapter" in the ioBroker Admin Panel on the "Adapter" page
Install the latest Beta
If you want to be on the edge and test the latest beta, you could install the adapter via a github url. (Sometimes an additional upload [f.e. iobroker upload yahka] and adapter restart is needed)
Not all new features are available:
If not all new feature are available after a yahka update, try a upload (f.e. iobrober yahka upload) and restart the adapter.
Missing Avahi daemon (linux)
If you are having the following error in the log:
Error: 2016-07-26 18:57:17.989 error at Error (native)
Error: 2016-07-26 18:57:17.989 error dns service error: unknown
uncaught 2016-07-26 18:57:17.985 error exception: dns service error: unknown
You have to do some additional steps:
- install avahi daemon:
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon -y
- Edit avahi-daemon.conf
sudo nano avahi-daemon.conf
change the following variables:
Missing pam-devel Package (linux)
If you are having the following error in the log:
../ fatal error: security/pam_appl.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
#include <security/pam_appl.h>
You have to install the pam-devel package:
- install avahi daemon:
sudo apt-get install pam-devel -y
Missing bonjour (windows)
- Download:
- Execute:
msiexec /i bonjourcore2.msi /qn
- remove:
del bonjourcore2.msi
- Download:
- Execute:
bonjoursdksetup.exe /quiet
- Remove:
del bonjoursdksetup.exe
- Set:
set BONJOUR_SDK_HOME=C:\Program Files\Bonjour SDK
And after that install yahka adapter.